BF2: [OcUK] vs =50K= MKII

18 Aug 2005
Wirral, UK.

So, post 1.2, I think it's time we had a re-match.

- It'll be on the 27th April.
- The game starts properly at 8:00.
- People are to start filling the server 7:30.
- Substitutes or extras are allowed to join the server after 8:30, provided that there are 24 or less players on the OcUK team. We don't want an imbalance.
- FuShe Pass x 2 (64), Sharqui x 2 (64).
- 25 per-side.


Player list - [OcUK]:
(Forum username - BF2 name)

1) MoNkEe - [OcUK] Krogother
2) Yewen - [OcUK] Yewen
3) Stoddy - [OcUK] *MaD*Freakzilla
4) Siders77 - [OcUK] =KbW=Siders77
5) OzZie - [OcUK] OzZie
6) SiD the Turtle - [OcUK] SiDtheTurtle
7) ichabod crane - [OcUK] richard_bailey
8) uk_viper - [OcUK] UKGAZ
Rebel=UK= - [OcUK] Rebel=UK=
10) Noni - [OcUK] Noni
Sargatanas - [OcUK] =CC=Sargatanas
12) killerkebab - [OcUK] killerkebab
13) naffa - [OcUK] Naffa]ST-6[
14) Sm0kin - [OcUK] Sm0kin
15) B&W - [OcUK] sc0rpius
16) trip hazard - [OcUK] theoccuppier
17) MrLOL - [OcUK] [JPnWo]MrLOL
18) chemdog - [OcUK] hollandfc
19) Sativa - [OcUK] Sativa
20) Chris19 - [OcUK] Noobeo
21) Hyper - [OcUK] hyper7racer
22) Lee2k4 - [OcUk] [GD]Lee2k4
23) Win^ - [OcUK] winho14^
24) spaceman - [OcUK] ...M@$hEd...
25) Whoop - [OcUK] Boofuls

Substitutes - Join if OcUK has less than 25 people after 8:30:
1) chemdog - [OcUK] hollandfc - drafted in, slot 18.
2) Ak!ta - [OcUK] 00T-Bone00
3) geiger - [OcUK] sabretoothtigger
4) nickg - [OcUK] Orange Nickg
5) MajorPart - [OcUK] MajorPart
6) Wolfr1der - [OcUK] Wolfr1der
7) G00SE - [OcUK] Romeo Kilo

Player list - =50K=:
1) =50K= FosterK
2) =50K= Skuzgib
3) =50K= L337_Badger
4) =50K= rustEswan
5) =50K= Gumby
6) =50K= Stellios
7) =50K= Twizla
8) =50K= Deliverance
9) =50K= MG
10) =50K= n1kunj
11) =50K= Robbeht
12) =50K= Dashik
13) =50K= Honeycomb_girl
14) =50K= Neverender
15) =50K= Dogfood_Enforcer
16) =50K= GJUK
17) =50K= DSF_Brig_Holmes
18) =50K= chris_ah1
19) =50K= Blackmamba
20) =50K= DZA187
21) =50K= Mr_B.A.Baracus
22) =50K= ArTizan
23) =50K= Sk1d
24) =50K= Tesco
25) =50K= chessclub-slayer

Please only sign up if you're sure you can make it, to make my life easier.

Anyone putting their name down after the first 25 will be a substitute/replacement.

Normal 50Klicks server rules apply. They can be found HERE.

If you wish to play, please send an email with your BF2 name and your OcUK forum name to [email protected]

As with last time, I will send the IP and server password the night before the game to all those who email me.

Oh, and you'll have to wear your [OcUK] tags, as usual :)
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FosterK said:
If you wish to play, please send an email with your BF2 name and your OcUK forum name to [email protected]

As with last time, I will send the IP and server password the night before the game to all those who email me.

I think some of you need to re-read that. You're only getting on the list if you send an email. I have to send passwords out, and if I don't have your email, you're not getting in. I've only had 3 emails so far, as opposed to 8 posts. You five that haven't emailed me yet, get to it.
Nice to see a bit more enthusiasm now!

Whoop, we're still a couple short, email me, if you want, I'm sure you'll fit in fine.
It's not a scrim, just a bit of a laugh. Most of the OcUK people play on the 50K servers.

A lot of people had fun last time, but it was somewhat overshadowed by the fact that there were bunnyhoppers and noob-tubers on both teams. Most the people that played wanted a rematch after 1.2 came out. Now that we've had 1.22, and everything seems settled, we're having another night.

There's no hidden motives to it, it's just a fun night for 50K and OcUK, regardless of who wins. It's rare to get a good game on BF2 due to people attacking red circles, teamkilling, and all sorts of other annoyances.

At 50K we know that the OcUK forum members aren't idiots when it comes to BF2, as most of them play on our servers. What does this mean? If we have a game with OcUK, it'll be good fun due to people playing fairly and well. It's a break for our admins, and it's a good laugh for everyone involved.

As for 50K being a semi-organised clan.. well, yeah, I agree. We don't really play in clan matches, though. 50K is more about teamwork and good games for those on the servers. Having the =50K= tag just says that you're a good person, willing to play in squads with others, and that you want to have a good time. We're not one of these elitist clans, we're a community.

Everything all fine and dandy then?
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Password and final details have been emailed to players. Check your inboxes!

I had a problem with one email, a postmaster error.. "
[email protected]", if that means anything to anyone.

Keep the password secret safe, and I'll see you all tomorrow!

Sorry for the change of plan, but the admin decided to put it on a different server. Hope you all read this by 8 PM.
Good games guys, well played :)

You were much, much, much better than last time!

You put up a very good fight on Sharqui!
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Yewen said:
Yes on ranked servers they are disabled, but on the game last night they were not disabled, and I did not know so on several occassions different drivers just drove over our mines.

Not on all ranked servers, it's an option, though. We've got it disabled on the city maps server, too.
Yewen said:
Ahh, first time in the 3 months I have been playing I have ever been killed by a friendly mine.

Aiye, the claymores on the city server were taking the mickey, basically just spawnraping with claymores. Sooo.. MG turned it off, and I tell ya, the first few days after that was hilarious!
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