BF2 weapons.



18 Jan 2003
How do I unlock the other weapons?

am I right in saying I have to get loads of points by capturing flags and killing people. Then it all adds up and I can buy it?

If not please exsplain how.

The weapon I want is the one for Assult class.

Thanks Luke
Yeah thats pretty much how it works but its not really buying it, you unlock it. As you get more and more points (on ranked servers) you get higher in rank, when you hit a certain rank you can unlock the weapon.
i tend to play with standard vanilla bf2 weapons these days, unlocks are fun but dont guarantee you will play better or score more.
for example, the Mec vanilla Medic class is one of the games most deadly combinations, AK101 + infinate health packs + nades , is possibly the best out there.

assaults first unlock the G3 is lethal in the right hands, no nade launcher but its accuracy and stopping power is insane .

grab special forces and you'll be granted two unlocks. FN2000, the 2nd assault unlock and used to be one of the best weapons until a patch or two ago nerfed it ;p

visit the links posted by the others for better details ...

**if you plan to join a clan for wars, you can only use vanilla weapons and no unlocks, so it pays to be efficient in them**
Meh i never much cared for the FN2000 its recoil is off the scale and the scope on it isn't at all accurate

for me its all about the g36 for my medic, now there is a gun to fear :)
Agreed with the AK101, the basic mec guns for Medic and Assault are really, really good. I like playing with them more than I like playing with the unlocks.

Also the basic support for USMC is pretty good.
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