BF4: Hardline.....gaaahhh!!!!

30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
I was really looking forward to playing this game, just aint BF. It's sommat else.

Anyway, on the first mission (which is boring as hell btw) i'm totally stuck, I'm supposed to toss a shell to distract some dude whilst crouching behind a corner with my partner, but each time i get caught. Then when it restarts from that checkpoint some jabroni walks into the scene from the other side and spots us straight away, thus ending the mission, rinse and repeat. There's no getting out of this loop. Only course of action is to start the level again. No way i'm going through all that mouse driven cut scene just to get back there.
It's ridiculous!! Anyone else having issues like this?
Also, when i walked up to some bloke the word FREEZE popped up on the right of the screen. There was no hint of what button to press to action this. I looked through every goddam keybind and nothing really hinted to what button to press to action FREEZE. I assumed the 'interact' button, but nope, nor the button that earlier had me arrest them first guys. I ended up pressing every single button on the keyboard (fast) before he shot me and one of them worked, but i don't know which one, cos nothing in the keybinds hints towards it.
Big BF and fps fan in general, but i don't think i've ever had such confusion over a game before.
Am i the only one?
i feel like giving up already as the first mission is tedious to make me NOT want to go through it again.
So i thought bugger it, i'll go online, but couldn't get into a single server ,just kept saying connecting. My 75mbit connection aint too shoddy.

Someone save meeeeee...... :rolleyes:
Well, on that we totally disagree then.
I really enjoyed the SP for BF3 and 4....twice! :)
But this hardline turkey is beyond redemption i think.
When you look at the issue i'm having in my OP. It seems that the only recourse is to restart the mission. Balls to that, i'm not driving trough a 5 min cut scene, to then walk for a further 5 mins or so to possibly get into the same unrecoverable situation again.
Nooooooo thank you sir!

And as i mentioned i couldn't even get onto any MP servers despite my decent connection.
I'm dropping this game faster than a starving hooker drops her undies!
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