Big ask......

1 Sep 2005
Right I'm going to be hosting a LAN in about 2 months so I'm after a bit of advice. What I'm looking for is recomendations for mods and maps to add to each game. Anyway here is the proposed list:

Battlefield Vietnam
IL-2 FB + Pacific
Star wars: Battlefront 2
UT 2004
C&C Generals: Zero hour
Panzers 2
possibly AVP 2

I realise this is quite a big list but there are people coming that like a lot of different things and to be honest I like to play a game for about 2hrs and then switch. We should be covered on the UT front but if there is something good feel free!

Another thing is I have a server here, so which games run as a dedicated sever and do you need to download them or are they provided on the disk? If they are provided on the disk what about CD keys? Also can you run them via RDP (UT I know for example wont unless you download the proper dedicated server).
Howski said:
Battlefield Vietnam - None Required
IL-2 FB + Pacific - None Required
Star wars: Battlefront 2 - None Required
UT 2004 - Unsure
C&C Generals: Zero hour - None Required
Panzers 2 - Unsure
COD 2 - None Required
possibly AVP 2 - Unsure
Whats wrong with BF2? lol

The min specs! Everyone has PCs that are nearing the end of their gaming life cycle. I will be using probably the best system which will have a Skt939 Sempron 3000+ with a gig of RAM and a Radeon 1300, but most of them will be skt A and around the 2500 mark with about a gig of RAM and there is no way such a beast will run on something that old. Bring on Nov and my system rebuild!

Counter-Strike: Source (or 1.6) plus any other mods for HL2..

Sorry no dice :P I have a unnatural bias against CS from my infiltration days

Ozzie what area are you on about mods/maps or servers?
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