Big Beautiful Women

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28 Jul 2008
lake district
What people on here think the appeal of BBW (Big Beautiful Women) is ? because obviously some men do like them, there are dating sites tailored for this sort of woman and I saw some show once about men who feed their partners to make them bigger. I personally just don't get it and think the whole thing is quite repulsive.
Chubby Chasers!

I can't say I get it either. I've been with a few larger ladies but never anyone Id expect to find on a BBW website!

Takes all sorts though.
In the same way that some people think having sex with an infant is a good thing, some people think the same of the morbidly obese.

They're a bit special.
Isnt this what fatties call themselves to try and convince other people and themselves that they are not in fact repulsive fat disgusting ugly blubber whales, when they actually are?
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I'm not sure chubbie chasers are the same as feeders.

Some cultures go for the big woman and it's perfectly normal - I can't understand it though as I'm not from one of those cultures, I just couldn't find a big girl attractive.

In parts of sub saraharan africa chasing thin girls we would go for is probably called a perversion :)
One of my few true prejudices is against obese people, I just find it and them disgusting.

Bit of meat on your bones? Absolutely fine, it's when it gets to a point where you have to lift up rolls of flab to clean under them that I find you absolutely repolsive.
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Isnt this what fatties call themselves to try and convince other people and themselves that they are not in fact repulsive fat ugly blubber whales, when they actually are?

Subtle, tactful, elegant delivery.

Sorry, I prefer my women slim. Can't help it - just me. I'm not going to pass comment on other peoples preferences as it has nothing todo with me. Unless they feed to the point where I'm paying medical bills for their sexual gratification.
They're called feeders.

Tell me what type of body you are attracted to and why.

Me personally I like thin/slim people or just average build but that's because I myself am not massive so a really large person would just not be suited to me.
My preference is either skinny or "curvy", if a lass has a bit of meat on her bones I won't even notice.

I draw the line at the point where there waist is wider than their shoulders.
Not for me ta. They are an easy lay if you need one. Maybe some men decide to announce that they like bigger women because they are easier to get to it makes the man look more sucessful in pulling and actually choosing his women.
Yesterday i was shopping at Morrisons and the lady on the checkout was MASSIVE. So fat that her **** sagged right over onto the scanner. Good thing they didnt have barcodes on them.

Highly repulsive!
Not for me ta. They are an easy lay if you need one. Maybe some men decide to announce that they like bigger women because they are easier to get to it makes the man look more sucessful in pulling and actually choosing his women.

which is bizzar because its usually the skinny slappers who are easier to get;)
I think it also comes down to your own size.

I mean I am rather skinny and tall, well 6'1 so not THAT tall and I think it would just be weird to be with a girl who is bigger than me.
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