Big Case :)

5 Aug 2006
I want a big case for christmas (quite literaly) lol and i was woundering if anyone has got any suggestions, by big i mean LOTS of interior space, i hate having so many cables all over my motherboard and what not

things i have considerd

Akasa Eclipse 62
Antec P180 (currently winning)

and the really nice big cases from Lian Li are kinda outa price range! (dammit)

i say, i could probably strech to £120 ish,

so whats the verdict? any ideas?

i kinda like coolmaster stackers, but imo they are pig ugly, so thats a no go :P


PC-767 << that case has taken the lead now :P omg i bum it
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two questions

there are several different types of the armour case, whats the difference?

also, i got laughed at for suggesting this to a mate :( but is it possible to remove those flappy bits on the front? just not my cup of tea tbh, however :) very cheap for its size imo so yeah... this is deffinatly a contender... if i cant afford the lian li i think i will get this one


hehe thank you mate

;) the more the merrier :D lots of piccies... make me fall in love :D
i dont suppose anyone could post or link me to some pictures of the akasa eclipse with a system in, nice high res ones so i can actualy see it, lol sounds silly but on the web all akasa eclipse piccies are tiny!!
hehehe thank you guys

still cant make my mind up :P


its the thermaltake armor... guh, so which one to get? i aint fussed for the colour but theres 2 types! whats the difference :o


ive realised my noobish ways

Thermaltake VA8000BWS Armour Super Tower - Black (CA-007-TT)

think thats the one im getting unless something nicer pops up before hand :)
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you dont understand heavy...

lol i just spent today going back and forth to the tip throwing away 19" illayma CRT's :mad: lol

thats *pretty* much decided me things, i must admit im not to keen on it. however anything is an improvement (if i had a camera i would show you the piece of metalic crap my pc is sitting in atm)

hehe cheers for your advice guys :cool:

nice pics aswell raz

its back down to two contenders now


armour is in the lead, im pretty sure ill get that one :) anywho long way to go yet. could be anytime between hum, er now and christmas :eek:
:P they broke :( well they work, but theres strange "ghosting" just to the right hand of everything on the nice one of the bunch, its guns are so shot that the correctional settings on 100% cant combat it :eek:

oh! shame about the fans i dont really like splashing out more money. :( i will have to wait a tad longer for the case, probably november :)
Right, im thinking about what im going to order, and suggestions / alterations to this?

im a bit conerned about the price of the fans tbh, its not an ISSUE but i hear some people prase the ambers and some people condem them! i dont know :(


i mean yes, intended pun :cool:


i gonna do a massive propper nice, picture fillled review on it the second i get it :) and the fans :P

although, still not 100% im gonna get akasa ambers
I see they are labled as "3 pin"

massive noob moment..

if they are those lil 3pin things then how do i change the voltage ? :( my fans have always been homemade, fans + molex + wire cuters / stripers :D

needless to say my current case is messy and full of loose connections :rolleyes:
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