BIG photo I took of a flowering brom

Sweet son of Methuselah! Don't think we are supposed to post pictures that big and that is quite possibly the biggest ever :eek:

2136x2848 is a little too big. I'm going to take a wild stab and suggest that no one on here is going to have a monitor large enough to show that without scrolling which completely defeats the purpose of posting it.

If you resize it to 600 x 800 or so then a) everyone will be able to see the whole image and b) it will look an awful lot sharper than it does at the moment.

smaller picture:)
Jon Frost said:
ive changed it to a link, sorry!

what do you all think?

Sorry, but I don't like it.

I'm looking across the flower, rather than into it so my attention isn't really drawn in. It's very harshly lit, and lots of areas have "blown" the highlights. The composition of the frame looks cluttered and messy, there's not much "shape" of form in it. The green/white area to the top left is distracting and draws my attention too much.

For me, not one for he wall.
I like the vibrant colours, and desaturating parts of it takes something away from that rather than drawing attention to the centre of the image.
Evil-Penguin said:
I like the vibrant colours, and desaturating parts of it takes something away from that rather than drawing attention to the centre of the image.
I didn't liek the red and blue together. Just wasn't too my taste i guess.
I think the crop posted above is much better. However, I think the desaturation is unnecessary. :)
i love that first pic! The colors are amazing and in my opinion a lovely shot! I don't like the black and whiteish...
But really well done!
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