Big thanks for Apple Support

28 Nov 2004
9th Inner Circle
Just to say for the first time in many years I've had to use Apple Support and I can say it is excellent.

Basically 6 months out of warranty my MacBook developed the peeling plastic issue. Just a small piece near the trackpad. I called Apple and the customer support on the phone was excellent. He emailed me the case number and nearest repair centre as I was out of the office and had no pen.

Turns out the local repair centre closes before I can get to it so I called the Apple Store in Meadowhall and the guy booked me in over the phone and said bring it in.

Took it to Meadowhall (M1 was closed at Junction 29 but that's another story) and they replaced the upper shelf of the laptop in less that 20 minutes and the Genius staff were very, very helpful and polite at all times.

So a big thumbs up to Apple.

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It's good, until you find there isn't an Apple store in your country.

Still, they collected my iMac and repaired it in 3 days, so I was impressed regardless :)
Yeh I had that problem last summer, took it to a Apple authorised repair company and they did the job fantastically.
Closest Apple store to me is plymouth!

I want to take my FUBAR G5 to them and see what the matter is. I think it may be a logic board! :(
I've had to take my MacBook (yellowing of the palm rests) and Mighty Mouse (scroll ball just plain refused to work) to Meadowhall. Both times the genius there was incredibly helpful - entire keyboard was replaced in about 30mins, and I got a replacement Mighty Mouse.

Although i've had to pop open the replacement Mighty Mouse to sort out the scroll ball...
It's good, until you find there isn't an Apple store in your country.
You think you've got it bad, my closest Apple store is over 1000 miles away! :(

At some point I need to get the superdrive replaced in my imac but really don't have the time at the moment to send it off.
mines got the plastic on the palmrest near the edge that has cracked off, I had it repaired some time last year for same problem but now its happening again, will they repair it now its out of warranty as this is a known issue????
I had my power cable fray and then melt itself near the magsafe connector, the guy wouldn't admit it was a fault but did send out a new one...which, not unexpectedly, had a longer sheath ;)

Now the left fan has broken and the superdrive is bust, which is going to cost £200 min + whatever the actual cost of fixing the fan is, and it's our of warranty. Shame as it's solidly built, perfect condition etc. Don't see the point spending £lots (needs a new battery too (Again)) when I can get a new one, but don't want to get a new one after only 3 years....
They'll fix it again.

they did today took it to kingston mac store, they said it would be three days they wouldnt do the bottom casing though just the palm rest, anyway 1 hour after dropping it off they called to say it was ready, so much for 3 days :) all shiney new trackpad and keyboard too, im well impressed, might buy a bottom case and do it myself
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