Big Thanks To Scuzi

28 Feb 2006
Hi guys,

I just wanted to post a thread to thank Scuzi for helping me and i'm sure many other members regarding ATC.

I went for my first set of tests yesterday, at the Marriot Victoria and Albert Hotel in Manchester. I'm not sure if I did well enough, but the atmosphere and video that was shown regarding the job did exceptionally to convince me that I would like to head towards a career in ATC.

Thanks Scuzi, you are an OcUK Legend! :D
haha i was at the same tests. What time did you go, i was at the 1.30 slot. I thought most of the tests went really well apart from the Boxes test at the end, i managed to answer 33/40 questions though.
So what kind of knowledge did you need for the test then? Must pay well being an ATC dude.

Oh and a question for scuzi as well that me and the misses were wondering. She lives in london (near putney) and we would like to know how high the planes are when they are passing through this area on final approach (heathrow)?
Mckee said:
haha i was at the same tests. What time did you go, i was at the 1.30 slot. I thought most of the tests went really well apart from the Boxes test at the end, i managed to answer 33/40 questions though.

I was in the same slot :).

I was one of the lads in a blue shirt, somehow me and a lad I travelled up with had bought near enough exactly the same shirt. :D

Didnt actually realise until I changed shirts when we arrived :p

edit: Only thought that the first test was difficult, Seemed to be the only one that involved any real work.
It's amazing how reading an internet forum can have such an impact on your 'real life'.

These forums (one member in particular) inspired me, back in 2002, to turn my webhosting business into a full time venture. We now take circa £20,000/month in revenue.

They've also (Scuzi being the main protagonist) inspired me to take flying lessons. Nobody I know 'IRL' would have even contemplated such a thing. I'm headed for my first solo flight in a fortnight... hopefully :p.

It really does broaden your horizons.

Good luck with the ATC. It does sound like a thoroughly interesting career choice, if massively stressful. I'm not sure I could cope with it.
There was 5 tests, well 4 plus a questionnaire at the end. First was a motivation paper which was basically based around the comprehension they gave us to learn a few weeks ago. The second was matching up a number to a series of jumbled numbers. The third test was just weird to be honest and the 4th test was on spatial awareness. Some of the tests where harder than others and they really didnt give you long enough to dwell on any one question.
Adz said:
Good luck with the ATC. It does sound like a thoroughly interesting career choice, if massively stressful. I'm not sure I could cope with it.

According to Tina the ATC that talked to us the job is not really stressful at all. They train you for a long time and really make you feel confident before they chuck you in on your own.

Real name is craig and i was in a white top and shiny purple/pink tie. I have short hair.
I liked Tina :D

The apparent cost of training was a bit of a :eek:

Tina quoted a figure closer to 600k :o

ATC = Air Traffic Control
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Mckee said:
According to Tina the ATC that talked to us the job is not really stressful at all. They train you for a long time and really make you feel confident before they chuck you in on your own.

Understandably but it sounds (from my limited knowledge) like one of those jobs which requires 100% concentration, 100% of the time. If your mind wanders or you lose focus for some reason, you could become quite unstuck :p.

Even flying from Shoreham, it can get extremely hectic at times. The guys in the tower have a massive workload.
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