'Biggest data grab' in NHS history - links to opt out.

1 Nov 2004

The NHS is preparing for the "biggest data grab" in the history of the service, giving patients little information or warning about the planned transfer of medical records from GP surgeries in England to a central store for research purposes – and with no prospect of the data being deleted.

Links in the URL to opt out if anyone is interested...
NHS's IT security is horrendous. Pretty sure they get hacked all the time and data stolen. If you enter your email or phone number in to their site, prepare to get scam emails constantly.
NHS data records are this country's citizen's ID card. We don't need them because they already exist.

"General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection".

How Orwellian does that sound. Opt out for me.

Best get down ASDA for a new roll of tin foil ...... :cry:

This is really clichéd and destructive thinking. You may think you're being original but you're actually just playing into the hands of those who will use and abuse your data.

Keeping your data for "research" and "security" are interchangeable and intentionally nebulous terms. Either could mean whatever you want them to mean.
Its a case of at what point do you just accept there's a risk and get on with life. There's as much risk from the NHS as there is from any other website you've purchased or registered on including here. Mine got lifted a few years back from buying a CD from a promoters website. I just changed my passwords and got on with life. No ones robbed me, I haven't died all is good, including the album!

At what point do you stop living in fear and actually live. Do you not got to gigs because you don't want to buy your tickets on line, do you not go shopping because cctv is watching you, do you not register and participate in forums because your data might get breached, do you not go out for a walk because you might get hit by a car or lightning.

We could all just hermit down in an off grid bunker in Alaska and play endless games of monopoly but life would be pretty damn boring!
@gav_172 I've addressed this before here, and can't be bothered to go into detail about it again, but basically privacy is not an "on/off" switch. It's a scale, and you decide where you exist along it.
One of my biggest frustrations in the six years or so I've been responsible for my mother's declining health is just how disjointed the NHS systems seem to be. You can never assume anyone knows anything about what's happened already. The sooner all our health records are pooled, the better. Any system is open to abuse (and IT failure taking it all instead of part) but the benefits to the user and staff have to be worth it. I'm sure there ought to be all sorts of Big Data analysis which might help target care (ok, money) more effectively as well.
One of my biggest frustrations in the six years or so I've been responsible for my mother's declining health is just how disjointed the NHS systems seem to be. You can never assume anyone knows anything about what's happened already. The sooner all our health records are pooled, the better. Any system is open to abuse (and IT failure taking it all instead of part) but the benefits to the user and staff have to be worth it. I'm sure there ought to be all sorts of Big Data analysis which might help target care (ok, money) more effectively as well.

Exactly, the inefficiencies this causes with hospitals not being able to see your doctors notes and vice versa, not to mention the dangers from allergies etc is madness! Its a major bug bare of many that work in the NHS (Including my wife) so the sooner it happens the better!
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