Biggest Movie Mistakes

4 Sep 2005
Below is a list of mistakes from some of the most well know movies. Some of you may have seen some of them before, but it's worth a look :p

My personal favourite is No.1 :D

Haha some proper anal spots there :p

Another one from Commando. When Arnie is assaulting the house at the end, he throws a grenade at some on-rushing grunts which flings them in the air and you can see the spring-board :o
You missed the bit just before that scene in LOTR:FOTR when Aragon went to see Boromir. He jumps over a few supposed to be dead UriKai, and you can clearly see one of them lifts his head up to see aragon running across.

another bit is when Aragon was taking the Hobbits to Rivendall, just after he threw Pippin an apple for Lunch, he turns and the bow on the back of his pack knocks the camera.
cheets64 said:
I hate it when an actor is all wet, then next scene there clothes are dry kinda pointless imho.

When Frodo saves Sam in the end of LOTR FOTR, his hair is wet but his clothes is completely dry.
I recently went to LA and did the stars home tour thingy (guy drove us round telling us trivia). He said that at the end of one of the original Star Wars (sorry cant remember which one), theres the big celebration in a hangar at the end and Luke gets out of the X-Wing, spots Leia over the other side and mistakenly yells out "Carrie!" to her. He said to this day its still in the films, DVD's etc? :confused:
Scam said:
I recently went to LA and did the stars home tour thingy (guy drove us round telling us trivia). He said that at the end of one of the original Star Wars (sorry cant remember which one), theres the big celebration in a hangar at the end and Luke gets out of the X-Wing, spots Leia over the other side and mistakenly yells out "Carrie!" to her. He said to this day its still in the films, DVD's etc? :confused:

Hmmm, I'm never sure about this one. I think I remember that Mark Hamil said he actually says "hey!" but it sounds a bit like "Carrie!" for some reason. If you can stand the absolute overpowering geekyness, try having a look on the forums. You'll probably feel like you need a shower afterwards tho :)
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