Bike back this Saturday! TVAM meet Sunday?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Hopefully, still not had official word from the garage that it's this weekend. But chances are high.

Either way, Sunday, TVAM, my friend told me of this group. Does anyone else go?

They are having an open meet this Sunday at 9am. I'm going along if the bike is ready.
Agnes definitely needs the skillz! :p

Haha, you arse.

A guy at work mentioned it yesterday, I got nothing better to do so might go along. However, if I'm going to get some middle aged man badgering on about how I should ride, I'll kick the bucket and head off. Not there to be lectured, just to have an excuse to ride.

I'm excited to get the bike back, I was talking to a buddy as he just got his first big bike (CBF 600) and I have missed riding, but I've almost missed summer pretty much...

So, a month or so then it's going.

I'm most certainly doing a South France trip on a long weekend soon. Followed by a trip to the ring in the car.
Haha, you arse.

A guy at work mentioned it yesterday, I got nothing better to do so might go along. However, if I'm going to get some middle aged man badgering on about how I should ride, I'll kick the bucket and head off. Not there to be lectured, just to have an excuse to ride.

I've heard mixed reviews, some saying it's the old men in hi-vis brigade, as you fear, others applaud them for their good advice. If you're heading down, I might meet you there and if it's crap, we can go for a blast around the back roads in Wokingham?
I've heard mixed reviews, some saying it's the old men in hi-vis brigade, as you fear, others applaud them for their good advice. If you're heading down, I might meet you there and if it's crap, we can go for a blast around the back roads in Wokingham?

Done, just got a confirmation the bike will be ready for collection tomorrow evening/Saturday morning.

If it is old men in high vis. I'm out. But most certainly up for a pooter out and about on the bike. Annoyingly, I've only got winter gear... So it will be a bit warm!
Done, just got a confirmation the bike will be ready for collection tomorrow evening/Saturday morning.

If it is old men in high vis. I'm out. But most certainly up for a pooter out and about on the bike. Annoyingly, I've only got winter gear... So it will be a bit warm!


Let's go and find out what it's all about with an open mind, it could be interesting?

Otherwise, the roads up towards Twyford, Henley that kind of area are quite fun for a Sunday pootle.

I'm trying to think if I've got any spare summer jackets, what size are you?
Advanced riders can be quite hit and miss, especially the IAM types.
Some are brilliant, others are complete pillocks who are lucky to be alive.

I've personally met more of the bad IAM ones, generally. Most have a number of points on their licences and most are arrogant snobs who look down on everything about you, especially if you don't ride a BMW with all the kit. It seems those who ride the least are the furthest up their own backside, with one guy I know only taking his bike out perhaps thrice a year - Supposedly he does an annual tour of Europe on it, with his mates, yet his odometer suggests otherwise...

Supposedly, there was a time when "you could tell it's an IAM group as at least one of their number has an off, every time they ride out"... This remark coming from a local bike cop!

I met a few who did IAM so they could qualify as BloodRunners for SERV. They were a pretty cool lot!
By contrast, I've heard far fewer bad remarks about ROSPA riders and even less about people who do things like Bikesafe.

Generally, IAM will teach you a lot of useful skills, but you may well get a load of BS with it. It's up to you to take on the useful information and discard what sounds dangerous.

Either way, I hope you have a great day!!
Not sure you'll enjoy TVAM tbh. Both of my parents were/are instructors so i know what its about. You have to have the right mind set for that type of riding... me, I could never enjoy it. Probably because i'm a bit of a nut case lol. :D

BUT, it does make you a smarter rider and makes you think about things.

It will probably be my mum on the welcome desk :p
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I'm planning on heading down to the south of france around the 1st or 2nd. Was just going to boot it down the fast roads to near Toulouse to meet up with some friends.

Would be cool to do the down leg with you guys if the dates work out though.
How long are you going for Dan? I'm of 1st to 6th. Though I'm not sure how 1) broke I am or 2) how close to 30k service hehe
2 weeks, but I'm just heading down to near Toulouse to meet some friends then I think we're off to central pyrenees for a bit. Not sure how much biking I'll do down there, it won't be every day.

Was thinking of taking 3 days to get down there otherwise it'll just be 2 days of straight motorways.

Maybe Calais to Caen on the blue coast route then cut down through Le Mans. Or maybe Caen to Nantes and back near the coast. I've not really seen that part of France so not sure what it's like.

I'll need to arrive on Monday at some point so leave either Friday or Saturday.

Hmm sticking to faster roads it'd be 918 miles and about 15 hrs drive. As soon as you plot more interesting roads it really increases the time.
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