Bike Bogging after adjusting choke

9 Jul 2008

I got a Husky WRE 125 2 stroke had it for just over a year now.

Went Greenlaning on Sunday and when I took my bike to work on Monday, it seemed like the Choke cable was stuck as the bike started running horrible.

I turned around and went home to adjust the Choke (first time I have ever done this).

After I adjusted the choke, I suddenly had all this new acceleration power (Actually feels like proper 2 stroke power band now).

So I guess I been riding the bike with the choke slightly on for a year now (God knows what the bloke before me done to it).

I am not mechanically gifted, and as the bike is only 14 BHP (restricted) I thought that was normal.

Anyway. At times the bike will accelerate fine thru the gears but sometimes it will start too bog down when trying to accelerate.

Sometimes it goes fine thru gears and then when I change a gear it will bog. (Not always the same gear)

I then need to either shift down a gear and go up again and it will go fine again.

Sometimes I just need to let go of the throttle and slowly pick up speed and the power band kicks in.

I am not the most mechanically advanced guy but I have done most of the work on my bike so far. I have thought most myself via Youtube and reading forums.

Any idea why it bogs at random times when acceleration?

Could it be possible the Air filter is dirty from Greenlaning and I should clean it?

Thanks again guys :)
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