Can you elaborate? I've been with CN for 5 years, haven't made a claim so far but if that's the case I may consider switching.
I'd been with CN for nine years and this was my first claim.
Minor off back in early Jan.
Agreed with CN that if they wrote it off I'd withdraw the claim or want to buy the scrap back, they agreed and also checked that equity would allow me to retain the bike.
By Feb I was bored of waiting for them to pick it up so I had a local place take it and access it for them.
They then took until April to write it off, CN didn't inform me whatsoever and the only reason I knew was that the garage it was at asked my permission to let the scrap company pick it up. When I called CN they told me to contact my insurer - that's right, CN as my broker wanted me to call equity and deal with everything...
CN then said I could not retain the bike and if I withdrew the claim there would be a significant bill for the assessor.
After arguing the point over retaining the bike they reluctantly agreed and the claim went ahead.
They continued attempting to pick the bike up about three times a week from this point on.
Then had CN refuse to pay me what the bike was worth, only agreeing to pay the £1500 estimated value as a maximum.
Having sent in numerous bike trader adverts proving that I could not replace the bike for that and read to CN and equity the oxford dictionary definition of the word 'estimated' it was agreed that the settlement would be for £1800.
That was in May, the cheque finally arrived in July.
What I should have done was taken the bike home and fixed it myself without ever involving CN, I would have been back on the road within a week or two but I made the mistake of thinking they were there to help me.