Bike license

13 Apr 2014
So I booked my theory for 3 weeks time (closest spot) and did my cbt today. Not a great experience for me.

My bike had an issue where it wouldn't select neutral and when it did it was a false neutral. managed to get it 1 out of every 30 attempts, second when it came to road riding for about 30 minutes I had the instructor constantly shouting at me down the headset (Indicate, Indicate, Indicate, your unsafe, indicate) and this was just constant. At first I thought it was the other guy but then my name was used. My indicators would just not function (unbeknown to me). So I pull over, they start working when the instructor was stood over me, calling me a liar and that I was an unsafe rider, pull off again 2 minutes down the road constant indicate indicate indicate, I cant pass you as an unsafe rider, at this point im concentrating more and more on this stupid button. So I pull over again, get off the bike and say, its broken you take it into a 30 zone and try it, instructor comes back and acknowledges its broken.

So after having a go, for me pulling over, with no way of communicating it as its 1 way comms twice and 45 minutes of constantly shouting indicate into my headset I passed.

My nerves are shot, im honestly not sure I can do 4 days more training in 3 weeks or so, like this, did anyone else have these issues or did they have a good first biking experience.
Bad luck, don't let it put you off. Sounds like you had a 'well-used' bike and a really crappy instructor. I was fortunate - mine were brilliant (Ipswich Rider Training). Calling you out as a liar, doubtless in front of a group - there's no need for that at all.

Look at it this way - you passed and you can now go and get training / help somewhere else and when you pass you will be able to ride your own choice of bike. Whatever motivated you to do the training, be it necessity for commuting or enjoyment, that's still there and you will enjoy it.

There's lots of support on here and other forums, so stick with it :)
I crashed on my intensive course because an old woman decided yo just do a random 90 degree turn off the pavement without looking straight in to the middle of the road.

The instructor on his triumph trophy for what ever reason ended up skidding past me and nearly wiped her out.

That was the day before test day, so yeah, I wasn't in the best frame of mind the dolling day, still passed though.
You could have used your hand signals to turn left/right

Just keep calm and take your time,id pick another school to train with if your not happy,I never had that when I did mine,was a pleasure to do
so after my terrible experience i changed school, did 5 days with them and dont have a bad word to say about them. They were relaxed professional and the bikes worked faultlessly. Every day was a pleasure. I did my mod1 last week and passed, and did my mod2 today and passed. Collect my new bike tomorrow, so everything worked out nicely! look forward to joining you all on the roads!
like wise sounds like a bad school.
i had been riding off road since a small boy and did some racing.
when i hit 17 i got a 125, i then rode it for a year to get road wise. never did any lessons, other then i asked the guy i did the cbt with to give me a refresher. the day before the test he said i would fail, i then went to a city i didnt know, and passed with no minors and my bike could not do the U turn.
all this mod 1 and 2 stuff is all new to me as i didnt have to do it. but good luck and keep your confidence.
Most schools are good, but you get the occasional bad instructor. They're all good riders, but not everyone is right for teaching!
There's one round our way where the instructor was trying to get his knee down on a mini roundabout, while in charge of students (including me). He's head of the school as well, so I wasn't too impressed with that one. I ended up re-training under a former Police Rider instructor!
Yeah my CBT was pretty horrendous and the instructor was a ****. However I got over it, and got my full bike license a year or so later. No regrets!

I just rode around for about 6 months on a 125, didn't have any lessons but watched some youtube videos which were really helpful and then took my tests.
was it a school bike ? I assume it was.
You can put it down to "**** happens"
The chain was really loose on the bike I used (school bike) for DAS.
I had an hour or two lesson (can't remember) before my Mod 2 and whilst riding around could feel a certain roughness to the ride, my instructor was in front for most of the lesson and I couldn't get his attention (1 way radio) to let him know.
I caught him up eventually and told him, we then went and oiled the chain and then to the garage to tighten it up (the adjuster was hanging off), I arrived at the test centre with seconds to spare.
I passed though so all's well.
My cooling fan seized minutes before my test due to a stone wedging between it and the radiator. I had to swap bikes to one I wasn't familiar with, but I passed.

I had similar bad luck on my Mod 1 as it happens when we had heavy rain and the course was partly flooded. We also managed to lose our instructor on the way to the test centre, so we ended up getting there with minutes to spare.
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