Bike meets 12 year old, Seraphim meets asphalt

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Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Well, I had an interesting Friday evening. I was on my way to the lovely railway station of Bristol Temple Meads on my trusty city bike, looking forward to a fine weekend with friends. The journey from work to the station is mostly downhill, and includes the rather large hill of Park Street. For those of you unfamiliar with the topology of Bristol, here's a little MSPaint to help:


This is the trendy area of Bristol, where the beautiful people gather to shop and chat and look lovely and fashionable. However, this is not important right now. As I began the descent there was a stretch of clear road in front of me for about 200 metres so I applied pressure to the pedals, which turned the main cog attached to the crank. This applied a force to the chain, which by a convenient placing passed over a similar cog-like structure on the rear wheel, therefore propelling me forward. As I was coming down the street, I see a child walking out a few feet in front of me. This is not particularly unusual in Bristol, as the general pedestrian public seem to have the same awareness of traffic as the French have awareness of hygiene. Normally the offending pedestrian looks and notes the cyclist coming down the road, but this kid was the exception to the rule. His eyes were firmly locked in a downward trajectory, possibly transfixed by his own feet or maybe a phone or something, I'm not sure.


I tried in vain to steer to the right of the child, but he just kept on going, intent on placing himself in my path. Braking from this distance did nothing to slow me, and merely made my back wheel stop turning and emit a kind of skidding sound. That may be attributed to the fact that it was skidding, I'm not sure though. My attention was focussed on the rapidly approaching soon-to-be-teenager. And then it happened.


My memory of the impact is kind of fuzzy. I can recall small single-frame snapshots of it, one of being in the air, another when my hands hit the floor, and the next is sitting up and thinking "OMG WTF?” Luckily, instead of my face hitting the hard, unforgiving asphalt, the soft, squashy child conveniently got in the way, preventing severe grating of my visage.


Several people who were shopping for beautiful expensive clothes or on their way to the bus came to help me, reaffirming my faith in humanity at the same time. I can remember a couple of lovely girls helping me out of the road and onto the pavement, someone getting me some water and hearing the damn kid screaming his head off. Looking at my front wheel was somewhat traumatic, as the previously straight and true structure was now somewhat bent, almost reaching the 90° nirvana of wheel failures. Which is a shame, as they were nice Mavic rims. Ah well.

Soon after a paramedic estate car turned up, and completely ignored me and focussed their attention on the kid who'd been taken into a coffee shop. I was somewhat bitter about the ignoration* of me, but decided that it must have been because I looked too normal for someone who'd impacted with child at 20mph. A bit later they asked me if I was OK and made sure I knew where I was, what the day was and so on. Initially I thought I'd be OK and didn't need to go to the hospital, but when a police car came along and I saw the new lumps on my temple in the rear-view mirror I thought it'd be a Good Idea™ to get my noggin checked for signs of vegetablism. So off to the BRI I went, with the lovely Hannah (who I didn't know at all) keeping me company, along with two helpful Police officers. A couple of hours and head X-rays later, I'm given the OK and say goodbye to the amazing good samaritan Hannah, who's evening I must have royally screwed up, and hobbled my way home, where I sat down and felt funny for the rest of the night.

My knee is now swollen and I can't bend it too far, the right side of my face feels like it's sticking out an inch and I'm discovering new grazes and lumps all the time. Fun, fun, fun! There are two morals to this long story, just like any good 80's cartoon:
Cyclists: Wear your bloody helmets. You may look a bit silly, you may feel you're a '1337' cyclist who'll never crash, but it will happen if you cycle enough. I didn't wear one, and I could have ended up a vegetable capable only of dribbling and using one of those head-pointy keyboard things. So just wear one, OK?
Pedestrians: Particularly kids, look when crossing the road. Cyclists don't make as much noise as a car, but we can still hurt you. So look next time, and don't get complacent. Just because everyone else is crossing the road doesn't mean it's safe...

If you were in Bristol, and were near Park Street at 5:30 yesterday, then I apologise for slowing traffic down so badly. It won't happen again.

* I just made up this word.
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Lol. Had the same incident. Only wasnt a random kid. It was my brother.

I went to canada on holiday and was really into cycling so i was speedin round the street ready to go out to a downhill track.

My brother runs infront of me. I apply the brakes which happened to be hydraulics and so i went literally flying over the handles bars and right into him. He cushioned the fall somewhat.

Hehe. Enjoyed it except for the pain , bruising, cuts and fact that i chipped my brakes.

A the things that happen when cycling. what enjoyment.
Your bicycle has no brakes?

I've had a similar accident myself, mowed down a young girl on rollerskates once. I was making rapid progress, and she just rolled out in front of me and BAM! I then looked 3vil as she was a neighbour and 'er mother came out to stare at me menacingly. :rolleyes::D
The lovely Hannah has a boyfriend, unfortunately, who looked significantly annoyed that his girl had spent a significant portion of their Friday night with another man. ;)

Did get her number though, and I'm going to send her something to say thanks. Some flowers or something suitably girly.
I've not had the best luck when riding on a bike, I've hit a few people (:D), but that was odviously their fault...

You do know you shouldn't pedal when going down a hill? You should try and keep your hand on the rear brake, as to slow you down, so if someone is lurking round the corner... You can stop!

Heh, better luck next time...

similar experience lastyear.

just finished my last GCSE exam, going down a street that was on a downward incline then went up, gather speed going down

eXothermic was biking towards these 2 lads, one ran to the pavement, other stood and looked.

he dodged eXothermic, unfortunatly in my path.

too late for brakes, ahhh screw it............



next thing you know im a few feet down the road, the lad was underneath my bike, with about £30 of damage to boot.

he got up and i said "watch where you go next time"

he says "**** you"

charmin, i then followed him for a few hundred feet hurling abuse, he won't look me in the face now.
Good to see you aren't TOO badly hurt. How did the kid come out of it all, anything broken?
I had a similar sort of experience too only I was on a motorbike doing about 40mph and instead of a nice spongy kid it was the side of a ford fiesta :D

Good luck.
sounds nasty that, though your posting style has to be the funniest i've read for a while :D.

i have done sopmething similer too, luckily i wasnt going quite so fast, but unfortunatly it was another cyclist i hit :D. me and a mate were riding down a road really fast, and the muppet turned in front of me. not time to brake and i went plowing into his back wheel and over the handle bars and then scraping down the road for a bit. grazed my arms and legs quite a bit though luckily no head damage. my bike was completely undamaged but the back wheel on his had been completely bent almost 90 degrees :D
My dad had a similar thing happen to him, but he was on motorbike and the kid was in his late teens. But very similar incident, kid runs out into run, dad approaching on bike tries in vain to slow, 20mph`ish bike hits kid, kid falls down crying, dad looks at new bike and starts crying. Ambulance arrives and treats kid only and police arrive and interrogate dad.
Well i hope the swelling goes soon :)

I've had many accidents on my bikes and dont ride much now cos i a woooose!! I managed to write off a £500 bike off road a good few years back and the only thing between my head and the ground at over 40mph was my helmet - if it wasnt for that then i wouldnt be typing this at all - i was a right mess when i realised what was going on (after passing out, breaking bones and then being helped to the top of the hill again by m8's - without saying anything about pain til the ambulance arrived! - but i didnt even know the day of the week!!)
omg - i was walking back home from work (Lloyds-TSB) and saw this happen - was about half way up park st when it happened - when i walked past all u could hear was the kid screaming while rocking backwards and forwards - and you i guess looking incredibly dazed and confused in the middle of the road.

similar thing has happened to me - was in ashton court riding down the big hill (lots of these in bristol) when some mad dog ran out infront of me, i hauled on my anchors (hope mini's btw) causing me to stop within an inch of said dog, whilst catapulting me several ft down the road into what must be said a rather good roll - i get up - to a round of applause - lol, and the dog comes over and starts licking my face.

btw - from what i could see - you were lucky not to hit any oncoming traffic thank god.

and "hannah" looked pretty fine too. - if its the girl i saw helping you up.
Wow, spooky Internet coincidence! Hi k3ys3r... You probably have a greater recollection of the incident than I do. I can't remember if there were any cars coming the other way or not. That would have been super messy.

The kid was fine apart from a few cuts + bruises and he was quite concerned about loosing a button from his shirt... The paramedics said the kid had the 'WTF was that?' look on his face.
Seraphim, may I present you with the prestigious

This Thread is MINT Award™

I apologise most humbly for laughing like a loony whilst reading your thread... but it was funny. Glad to hear you're ok and that the kid survived.
Originally posted by Seraphim
The lovely Hannah has a boyfriend, unfortunately, who looked significantly annoyed that his girl had spent a significant portion of their Friday night with another man. ;)

Did get her number though, and I'm going to send her something to say thanks. Some flowers or something suitably girly.

Porn :D

Any chance of some matrix style flybys? I can just see it now. "Ahhhhhhhh....screeeeeeccch *WHUMMMP* (matrix slowdown sound) woosh vrooon vrrrriiin eeeetttttccccccc" Tbh you shoulda hit the kid and said "Dodge this"
I've had a few interesting crashes in my time of riding bikes, sometimes involving really annoying tree roots that shouldn't really have been crossing the woodland path like that (they move far to slowly).
One that comes to mind most painfully came as I left the woods. My route back from school took me along a bridleway through some woods (probably about 5 minutes of riding) It's also a place where people like to walk their dogs.
One day I was cycling home from school, happily minding my own business. I came out of the woods, into the T bit at the top of the close, and took the corner. I obviously wasn't going fast enough for some people, and this kid who was giving someone a baccy comes flying out of the woods too fast, takes the corner at a steep angle, and catches my rear wheel with the edge of his front wheel. My bike went sideways out from under me, spining me slightly, as I hit the ashphalt face first (I did a front breakfall, courtesy of my Judo training)
That was the first bit of fun. The second bit of fun was that a car was coming towards me.. the lady driving it slammed on the breaks (thank god for ABS) and stopped with her front wheels literally just touching my hand!
Of course she flew out the car, scared that she'd hit me. Mean while the other cyclist had miraculously recovered and ridden off at a great rate of knotts (too darned right or I would have done something nasty to him probably)
I got off pretty lightly, a sprained wrist and a few grazes, but nothing serious, courtesy of the breakfall.
i'm glad it wasnt too serious, i hope i never end up doing that either, my bike being of the motorised type... squashy kids should be wraped arround lamp posts and other dangerous street furniture, maybe traffic islands and the like...
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