Bike MOT & major service tomorrow

22 Mar 2007
Got a CBR600 F4i (2001) that unfortunately has been off-road for a couple of years due to finances but she's coming out of the garage to go for an MOT & service tomorrow.

Excited, yet nervous as I expect a massive bill.

New battery for definite as it's gone duff, no charge going into it.

Won't start (even with battery power), so expect possible clogged filters or worse.

Chain is rusty, not sure if can be saved or will need a new one. It wasn't that old either.

So I expect this tomorrow. :eek::D
It's been garaged the whole time. Cleaned it up the best I could last week, but the chain wasn't looking too hot. Sprockets seemed OK, but I'm not mechanically minded so apart from cleaning it, adjusting the chain every now & then, the rest is done by the bike shop.

Give me a PC & I'll fix/build them no problem. Cars & Bikes not a ****in clue :D
Had a major service (16k) about 1 year or so before it was laid up, so that should be OK.

Hope the fresh fuel might help, as I left some in the tank & bothered it'll have gunked everything up & knackered seals/filters etc.

Plugs might need swapping like you said, it's got Iridiums in, but standard ones would be fine for me tbh as I doubt I'd notice a difference.

Deffo on the oil & filter & not sure about pads, as they may need cleaning.

Chain & sprocket set could be essential. Definitely the chain I think, although the sprockets & chain set were near new before the bike was laid up, just the chain is as rusty as hell tbh.

Tyres look good. Been sat on a centre stand, so rear hasn't been on the floor and the front looks ok too.

I'm hoping & praying it's around £300-400, but I suspect higher.
Well it got picked up. The guy looked over the bike & didn't think it was that bad.

Said the chain might be OK, depends if there was any stiff links but they seem to flow ok but he'll check it out.

Said he didn't think it'd be that expensive (think he'll be glad of the trade tbh) so fingers crossed he'll ring later today or tomorrow with a price :D
Got the call.


New chain, full service, MOT, fit new downpipes (already had them), + other bits & bobs.

Just need to get insurance sorted now & then the tax, then good to go.

Any recommended insurers? Comparison sites are kicking out about £200 full comp, depending upon Excess. (My No Claims has lapsed so can't use them :( )
Bennetts & Carole Nash were nearly double the cheapest which was Hastings Direct, followed closely by Motorcycle Direct.

Tempted to pay the extra bit (about £25) and go with MDirect as their Compulsory Excess is only £50.
Well went with MDirect for the year.

£50 excess is a bargain to be sure. Just hope I don't have to pay it :D

Just waiting for the documents to arrive or the ability to download the Certificate so I can tax it asap after I get the MoT.
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