Bike Mount

Anything that will fit onto a RAM ball mount. Plenty of cases around, I have a generic Bags-Connection one (SW-Motech) that's not bad, but you can only use the screen with gloves if it's wet :p. Good if you want to be able to use any old phone or GPS in there though.
None of them look waterproof, maybe the top one....

I personally use the Ultimate Addons cases and mounts, and I have used them in the rain and yep did what its supposed to do :D
They also have touch functionality through your gloves.

This (after Fireskull recommended them to me originally :D). My old iPhone 4 is now a dedicated satnav/speedo for my bike. Been through ridiculously heavy rain in it and not one leak.

Didn't think it worked with my gloves, I've never actually tried. :rolleyes: I'll be annoyed if it does, the amount of times I've taken my gloves off to adjust the satnav...! Especially as the thing decides to pop up a 'no sim card' notification the second I pull out of my drive meaning i can't see anything on the screen :/
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