Bike recommendations - for poor quality (fen) roads and the like...

8 Feb 2004
In the wetlands...
Hi all,

I've not owned a bike in ages, but now would like one to vary my cardio outings and give my knees a slight break from pavement pounding.

I live in the countryside, the roads are pretty much a patchwork of potholes and poorly filled in former potholes, with the odd fen lane to go down (loose gravel, humped roads, etc) so I was thinking that I would want something quite durable - my previous bikes have been mountain bikes (I used to live somewhere entirely different...), but since I last bought one the array of bicycles has become quite dizzying...

Not looking to spend lots (£600?), is there anything reasonable that I should be looking at? I don't expect to be setting Strava records, just enjoying being out and cycling on something that is comfortable and durable would be a good start

Thanks - happy to go 2nd hand so will take a look around and see.

From a quick glance at reviews it looks like the sort of thing I want, but after being away from bikes for so long it'll be interesting to see how it rides
No hardcore downhill! Mainly flat fens with the odd incline when I go and explore further - my issue is that when I last used a bike extensively it was ALL hills, so as well as not owning a bike in ages, I am probably looking for something that I am not too familiar with - I did see the gravel/adventure bike label and thought that those may be an option, but the sheer number of bikes (and varying costs!) is quite dizzying.

I'm still looking, it would be great to find a local bike shop that stocked a wide range of bicycles so I could see them in person and see - but most are far enough away to mean that I need to plan a visit, and even then they tend to specialise in certain brands; so currently using the internet and being bombarded by information that I am sure will all make sense in the end!

Would something like (Dark Peak Adventure Bike) be a reasonable option? I've had another recommendation for the Boardman bike too.
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