Bike stolen and recovered last night. Worth claiming?

11 Jan 2008
Hi all.

So My R1 was stolen last night and i found it dumped around in the alleyway with the steering lock snapped, the ignition wires cut and damage to the paintwork and mirror :rolleyes:

I had it up for sale because i needed the money for moving out and was wondering if its worth claiming or not? I've not claimed before so i'm unsure but i need the money as soon as possible. I have looked at buying a new barrel myself but i cant find one on the net in the uk as its a 1998.


Ah right so it probably is worth just doing it myself then. I was either going to downgrade or get a pushbike so i'm not bothered about claiming too much but it probably isn't worth it anyway by the sounds of it!

Really annoying though :/
Well they are solder-able i guess but the steering locks been broken :/ I've spoken to a bike shop and they might take it off my hands for a good price with the damage which might be easier as i need the money really. Just bad timing not that there's ever a good time!
Well in a bizzare twist i've managed to sell it to the local bike shop. Got 1300 for it which isn't great but i just cant be bothered to deal with the repairs and then trying to sell it when im in the process of moving.

The police were pretty useless as they said they couldnt do any forensics as it was outside in the frost :/ Another guys bike had the same in my street too last night but they didnt manage to start that either, just caused damage.

Oh well it's gone now, shame i couldn't have one last blast before it went!
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