***** Bike Turntable Mod of Epic proportion



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
I may have exaggerated the thread title but I'm well happy with this ***** mod. :D

This has to be the ***** Mod of the century even if I do say so myself. :D

I have a jitty down side of my house & then up onto my back garden, If I want to turn my bike around it would take God knows how many shunts back & forth until I am around the way I want to be for exit.
So, Items Used.
2 x Pizza Trays = £5.98.
1 x Lithium Grease or equivalent.
Small Nut & Bolt.
A Base Platform, I used the metal tray from the bottom of Franks old dog kennel.

With one tray on top of the other Drill a hole through the center & through the base platform.
Insert the bolt through from underneath the base & spin the bolt onto it loosely.
Grease between the 2 trays Heavily with Lithium grease.
Tighten the nut down with your fingers.
Cut off the bolt thread that is sticking up out of the nut.
Twist the nut anti clockwise with your fingers until it gets stuck on the edge of the bolt where the cut has killed the thread. This stops it coming off the bolt in use & locks it flush with the bolt so as not to damage your tyre & it also creates the slack between the 2 trays to help with the spin. Told you it was Genius didn't I. :D

Now you have your Bike Turntable.
Ride motorbike up & onto base & touch down your full stand with your foot to make sure you are lined up properly & Both feet of the stand are inside the trays.
Get off the bike & put the bike on Full stand making sure Both feet of the stand are on the tray.
Put some pressure on the rear to get both wheels off the ground & then slowly spin the bike around to point the way you want it to.
Now how ******* cool is that. :D

Awesome ***** modded Bike Turntable for less than 6 quid & a spray of Lithium grease. :p
I've used mine 3 times now & it's sound, Neighbours passing Gloried in my ***** Genius. :p

Should really get a vid of me turning the bike around to show how easy it is but here's some pics for now.
2 Trays & Base plate.

Bike on Turntable & spun round for Batman style Exits. :D
I've going to develop the idea now I know it works in principal, I have an idea on what materials I need to source to make it stronger & longer lasting. I shall end up with the ultimate Batman style bike turntable. :D

Product name - Batman bike turntable of Win. :p
I watched a few youtube vids of people doing that but I'm not brave enough to attempt it yet. :p
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