Bike wont start

3 Jul 2008
Fife way up in Scotland
For a few weeks the bikes been running a bit rough, Put it down to having two long runs a day apart in utter down pour of rain, left the bike for about two months and it wouldn't start, then i realized i had went to knockhill and the cove separate days on a tenner of fuel, fired some in and went to start, the usual lack of fuel reluctantness but then went.

Now it wont start but actually sounds like a spanner is in the engine. sounds horrendous. Took out plugs and no spark on the one i took out, but i do know it will bump start so fired off down the street let clutch out and wahey it starts but goes with a few pops due to excess fuel from not starting on starter switch.

Battery is sitting at 12v so don't see it being that. its clearly getting fuel as reeks and pops once it does start,

checked the kick stand switch and seams ok, just odd it bump starts n runs fine just cant stop it

any ideas as im screwed if i know,

Ive uploaded a clip to let you hear it. in this it kind of sounds like its popping at start but its not, the noise is mechanical like metal is smashing out of other metal.

That sounds to miss as if your starter is "missing" (can't think of a better word). Have you checked the bolts around the starter motor & have you checked the connections, Battery to Starter visa versa ?
no, after rebuilding the forks i wanted to get it out for a run and i didn't want to start delving into the bike, until i had ideas of where to look, however, it kept saying to me starter, someone has mentioned a sprag clutch, does this relate?

forgot to say its the 955i 99 daytona
Hard to tell from that vid but does not sound healthy.. Sprag clutch on starter maybe .

Any chance of a better clip of a: the bike running but abit further away and same with you trying to start it ?
Sounds a lot like the typical 955i sprag clutch failure I'm afraid :(

checked the kick stand switch and seams ok, just odd it bump starts n runs fine just cant stop it

I don't understand this; you say you can't stop it once started, but you clearly stopped it ok in the video?
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If it starts of a bump but not off the starter it could be sticking or stuck starter motor or broken return spring/worn bushes ect

Dogbreath I think he means he can't stop it cos he can't start it again without bumping it
Sorry i wasnt clear on the stopping bit. It can be stopped but getting it started again isnt much fun. I dont do pushing bikes

I will try get a different video tomorrow. Few people elsehwere have mentioned sprag clutch. Also has been mentioned that a week battery doesnt help. I cant put mines on an optimate as garage isnt in my grounds. And bike isnt run every week

Can you guys tell me if its a big job?
Oof, sprag clutch on a Triumph :(

Not sure what model you have - I had the older 885 engine and if that went it was easier to just find a whole new engine! It's a real weak spot on these bikes - a Kawasaki design they copied! I was always paranoid and made sure I never let the battery get low.

Good luck with it!
Sorry i wasnt clear on the stopping bit. It can be stopped but getting it started again isnt much fun. I dont do pushing bikes

Sorry, I was pretty sure it was me being dim :p

Can you guys tell me if its a big job?

It doesn't look too bad a job, though you will need to buy/make a special tool to hold the sprag clutch whilst you undo the big nut in the middle.

Step by step guide

Edit: That's for '02 on, what year is yours? Seems a far larger job on the earlier bikes, requiring the cases to be split :(
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This is a service manual for a 1999 Sprint (I assume the engine is virtualy the same in the Daytona). Have a look at page 7.9, it does say the crankcases have to be split, so you'd have to remove the engine from the frame.

Worth checking it's not an electrical fault before diving in e.g. connect a jump lead from battery +v to the starter terminal to eliminate solenoid issues, but it sounds like a sprag unfortunately.
That's what I feared - same design as the early Speed Triple I had (and the Kawasaki GPZ900 which also suffered the same fate)
Whoever thought of this spagbol clutch wants flogging

Virtually all bikes with electric start have them. It's just a one way clutch that allows the starter to turn the engine, but the engine can't turn the starter once it's running. Some are weaker than others - unfortunately the sprag on the Aprilia RSV are renown for failing, so that's a job that probably lies in my future.
The ones on zx10 04 spin all the time I think ,cos I can still hit the starter button n hear the motor spin up when engines running
The ones on zx10 04 spin all the time I think ,cos I can still hit the starter button n hear the motor spin up when engines running

Exactly the same as any engine with a starter using a sprag clutch. You can hear the starter motor spin up, but because the engine will be turning faster than the start motor the sprag clutch will never engage.
Holy thread revival batman

So ive made a start on taking the bike to bits..... and i've decided its pointless. to much work to sell it for a Z1000.

The main issue with it is the ham fisted fool who owned it last or whoever tried to remove the cylinder head has rounded the bolts, so i cant get it out.

Ive now decided to keep it put a new clutch in it and give it a good sorting out (Other than C/head Down) and keep it for Knockhill.

The bike bump starts which i can do at the track, I will also be getting the Z1000 once the sale of my late uncles house is complete, as im due a fair amount in inheritance.

So the moral of the story is i took the engine out and about 75% a part and didnt need to
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