Bikers Ride For Charity

6 May 2006
Rowley Regis, West Midlands
This goes to show what an amazing bunch bikers can be :)

Back drop : A local guy who has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, who has been told he only has weeks to live, had a dying wish to go for a ride on the back of a Harley.

Word got round and after a facebook appeal, and help from my local bike shop Streetbike, and some outstanding work by the Bridgenorth Bikers, and West Midlands Police, the event happened yesterday, even in the frosty conditions.

Official figures state that 275 bikes made the trip out from Halesowen, nr. Birmingham, over to the cafe the bikers use near Bridgenorth, probably 25 miles or so. Local press claim 400 made the trip, probably a bit high to be honest, unless they were counting people, not bikes.

I have attempted to link Streetbike's facebook page where there are a few videos of the amazing bunch setting off, I hope it works.....LINK

And here is the local rag coverage LINK

Word is that there is coverage on ITV Central News this evening. :)

Unfortunately I missed this event due to other commitments but hopefully they didnt miss me ;)
A truly heart warming story and one that goes to show that us bikers are like one big family in times of need.
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