Bikes/Cars,Whats Most Econimical?

11 Jul 2009
Been thinkin bout it and whats really more economical in the long run?

125's are economical but they don't last verylong compared to a car,600cc + and your talking £150-£200 a pop for a pair of tyres vs peanuts for a car

fuel wise theres some eco cars and 0 road tax on some so really what's the best:confused:
not two stroke 125's not sure on four stroke,even so the price of maintainance vs a car is pretty high
Why wouldn't you compare a 600cc to a focus? Or a cheap ford ka?

Still say bikes wear out quicker than cars,I've owned my bike from new 98,and only just nearly hit 60k miles on it,that's nothing compared to a car

And a zx10r forget about it,it drinks petrol compared to my 600

When I look back at the 3 125's and a 100'cc I had makes me wonder if I'd have been better of with just one car,
I know what your saying,and I agree,but I still feel a car is a better option In the long run

I'm not talking about speed and 0 to 60 times,I'm talking day to day usage all year round,look how expensive a bike licence is and all the riding gear you need,plus bike parts are dearer than car parts,then what happens if you come off it?

Car is safer,warmer,you don't fall off it

I only have a motorbike licence myself for what its worth
Yh I was gonna say what happens if it snows? Even a slight dusting of snow or icy/frosty roads and you can't use your bike

Luckily you have the car to fall back on
Yh four strokes but 2strokes don't last long,24k I managed and engine went,that's with top quality oil and not ragging it
you cant ride in snow though can you? and ive paid that much for tyres on a 125 in the past a cagiva mito

125's simply don't last though,the engine fails after time/pistons/little or big end goes

I bet pricewise it works out even in the end vs a cheap used car
ive never owned a four stroke 125 so cant comment on those,just personally speaking and 2 stroke 125's they don't last verylong

best bike ive owned is my 600cc,that would beat a car for economy over the years ive owned it

its still a toss up though I think personally (talking years an years of ownership with the same bike vs cheap car)
yh four stroke 125's wern't around a lot though when I was younger,then they phased out 2 strokers due to emissions

I used to do some delivery's on a Honda four stroke 125,it was like an auto yet you could change gear clutchless aswell idk what model it was tho and it was great on petrol,but ive never owned one myself
where im coming from is over the years when you total up servicing costs/tyres/fairing repairs for when you come off and you'll come off lots

the taxi's/bus fares for when the weathers too cold or dangerous to ride,total all those costs up plus all the expensive gear/locks and chains you'll need vs a cheap used car which generally last a lot longer

which really is the cheapest in the end? idk
parts are still more expensive than a car,battery's brake pads chains

I know ive been riding nearly 20 years all year round,and you cant ride in snow not unless it has knobbly tyres

used early 90's car,corsa diesel or ford ka would be cheap
yh on the main roads that are clear,its getting to them though

most backroads mine included are covered completely in snow so you cant get out,same goes for gritters they only do the main roads

right pain in the ass
wait till you move up to a 600cc then or a 1 litre bike,things will be different

and yh you can ride to the north pole with spikes in your tyres :D

(depends on the bike,my kmx 125 I could ride it in snow no probs,try doing it on a late 90's heavy sportsbike with smooth tyres)

125's are economical I agree but they don't last aslong as a car does,not without engine rebuilds/fork rebuilds and what not,you'll see
its a car !!! :D

short term yeah id agree with a 125c upto a 600cc,but years and years riding vs a single car im not so sure which would be cheaper

im still not convinced:(
A car that remotely approaches the performance of a 600cc bike will cost somewhat more than £200 for a set of tyres.

You you like your tyres as cheap as possible rather than performing as well as possible, then you can buy budget tyres for bikes. Present your certificate of insanity at the checkout for a discount.

Japanese four stroke 125s tend to last a long time if you look after them. There are plenty of CG125's etc. with 50k+ miles under their belt. Even if you abused it and it needed a new engine and wheel bearings every few years it would still be much cheaper than a car.

no I don't mean out and out performance vs a car I just mean daily commuting at sensible speeds,a 600cc is decent I agree,also four stroke 125's,two stroke 125's aren't due to them burning out pretty quick,big/little ends/rings rebores ect

surely a newish diesel with £20 road tax would be able to compete?
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stop/start are on modern cars though

I would hate a car that did that,i bet it burns out no end of starter motors
Well an Alfa is italian ,thank god you didn't buy an Italian bike:D

You picked a good machine the zx6 I love the f models rear end as well esp the brake light,looks mean

You can do a mild service yourself,that way you'll know it actually gets done

Oil plugs filters ect
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