Bikesafe - West Mids £10

It's more an introduction to advanced riding than a training course but the feedback I got on the ride out with the police officer was very good. I would need something like the IAM training to really learn advanced riding.

It's a nice relaxed day which consists of a classroom session, slow riding and then an accompanied ride where it was 2 of us with one police biker. The officer then gives you feedback on your riding.
The one in Notts/Derby is over 2 days, a day in the classroom and then a day with the police rider (a very knackering experience) but very very good.

I really believe its something everyone should have to do after being on the road for year or so, thing is though once the 9 is warmed up it all goes out the window on hoon days. For the daily commute it was worth the £30 big time.

Done two of them now, bike safe and the DSA one which gives you %15 discount on insurance.
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