
11 May 2007
Ok so I left my house at uni about a month ago now.

Since then I've been told by housemates who are living there that the following bills need to be paid.

Gas £332
Water £84.99
Sewerage £165.60

About £145 each. (4 people sharing)

Fair enough...

But our water bill has £40 carried over from when I left, which all of us chipped in for and paid.

Now the water company are telling us that it definetely hasn't been paid...

*Alarm bells*

Looking back now, the bill was left in the living room with the cash, which one day disappeared... We looked around for it for ages, and then phoned one of our housemates to ask them if they'd seen it.

He paid it 'apparently'. Which suprised us as he's the last person you'd expect to offer to go and pay a bill at the post office.

Add to that, the fact he's skint.

Add to that, we've just found the tab you tear off from the bill, to pay it, in his room.

It all starts to smell a bit fishy... :(

What would you do? He's sure he's paid it, the water company are sure we havent. I don't know how to prove anything.
Just spoken to both of my housemates and we all have the same gut feeling.

One of my housemates asked if her friend could borrow his bed whilst he was away, and they found the bill hidden under his covers.

He doesn't know how much he owes for the other bills, so we're gnna add £30 to his total ;)
Ok, well I'll ask him if he has a receipt from the post office.

If he says 'no' is there any way of finding out from the post office if it was paid?

And what action can we take if there is no record of him paying it?
Just contacted the post office and they need the exact date it was meant to have been paid.

But then I realised, if they could actually see that the bill was paid - I wouldn't be needing to find out from them as the water company would have the cash :o
Thing is, if the post office have any logs at all of payment for the bill, the water company would have the cash.

It's hard to confront someone who you've lived with for 2 years about stealing £40 cash...
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