Man of Honour
15 Nov 2005
Basingstoke, UK
My younger brother is heading off there after the summer, anybody been or have any good/bad advice about the place? I know a fair few people are at music college, wasn't sure if anyone was at BIMM?

The drummer from his band is down there at the mo, he's really enjoying it.

Lucky gits, I really wish I had done it when I was younger and had no commitments :(
It always sounded very practical to me, I think they basically put you into several bands and you work on performance a lot, if he's wanting to go into a practical side of the music business i.e something like being a session musician for other artists then I imagine there'll be many great opportunities to show what you can do and also to talk to people.
Andelusion said:
It always sounded very practical to me, I think they basically put you into several bands and you work on performance a lot, if he's wanting to go into a practical side of the music business i.e something like being a session musician for other artists then I imagine there'll be many great opportunities to show what you can do and also to talk to people.
He had offers from both BIMM and ACM, but it seemed ACM would just turn him into a *much* better guitar player, whereas BIMM added all the other side of things such as studio/business experience etc.. hence giving him a better start. We had a great chat about it whilst at the Guitar Show, he wanted to know my opinion and I thought BIMM sounded a better springboard for any potential career.

Apparently BIMM regularly put together bands of random students and tell them to learn Song X by Friday 'cause they are playing at a local club.. sounds cool.

One upside of it is that he will have to offload all his students, and I have plenty of free time ;)
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