Bin collections

16 Jun 2005
In the middle
First world problems but..
Anyone else have annoying bin collections? For the last few years we've had 3 bins, general waste, recycling, and garden waste. Now the council have given everyone two food waste caddys, one slightly bigger than the other, and changed the collection days for everything. It used to be simple enough, general waste one week, then recycling and garden waste the next. Now this is the new schedule, which considering quite a few people round here either forget to put their bins out or have overflowing bins every week is going to cause carnage :D
I've had to stick the letter they sent up by the door or I wouldn't have a clue. :p
that doesn't seem well thought out, some weeks they're doing a full run to collect just the small food waste bins. Also waste collection every three weeks seems a bit long.
My thoughts too. The food caddy is very small, so a collection just for those seems a bit daft. One of our neighbours has an overflowing waste bin every week...
God today is peak mumsnet isnt it
Only in your head.
My wife says ‘why don’t we have a bag in the (large, outdoor) food bin’. Why would we? It’s a bin, I don’t care what it’s like inside.
We've bought bags for both sizes of food caddy, otherwise they are going to stink in hot weather. Not that our neighbours will bother of course.
Very similar to the OP here, except: i) I don't use the food caddies as I find the entire concept too disgusting, and ii) our garden waste is every 3 weeks, which I have to pay an additional 2 x £36 extra surcharge tax for.
Also, our council don't collect glass, so that either goes straight in the general domestic waste (which I'm sure a lot of folk will do) or take it to the bottle bank yourself.
Yes we're charged £45 a year for garden waste collection. I think the same about the food waste bins, it's gross. But, if we chuck it in the general waste that's not going to be collected for three weeks...
I can just imagine food waste all over the place on collection days.
That's awful, even with recycling all that we can, we easily do a full black bin of general waste a week, and we don't even have kids.
Well, our general waste is going to 3 weekly too. We can get away with two weeks easily, but it will certainly be full after three. Our neighbours is overflowing after one week, and they put extra bags out...
My dad has worked as a driver doing these collections since the 1980`s. Trust me the staff hate it as much as us, there are rotted over filled food bags all over the place. It has never been such a vile job and he is extremely happy to be retiring next year.
Yes I'm sure these ideas are dreamed up by people sitting in a nice office at the council, with no thought to the people who actually have to do the job.
Ours are still doing it. But over the last few years the number of food bins sitting outside households for collection has dwindled to around 10%. We tried it for a couple of weeks and then though "sod that" and didn't bother afterwards. It was too messy, smelly and inconvenient.
I've got a feeling that's what will happen here tbh.
That schedule looks like a nightmare to remember though, as it means that it's not an easy "alternating" collection (with brown weekly), but some weeks it's 1 small and 1 large, others it can be 1 small and two large and it's not going to be the same two large each time.
About the only way I'd remember that is to put the schedule up on the fridge, or set a reminder in the alexa app (or similar) so that it pops up on my screens the night before.
I've actually got it stuck up by the front door, and have written them all down on the calender for the year...
What gets me is every council seems to have a completely different way of doing it. Mine's obviously mental.
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