Been trying to do this for most of the day. I managed to get a WordPress website working at work a few months back, involving bind and SSL but trying to get this done at home is proving to be a bit tough.
So far, I've install, MySQL and Apache on Centos 6.8 and have managed to get a WordPress website up.
Three things I want to do.
1. Get the website to respond to rather than IP.
2. Set up SSL.
3. Set up a 2nd site on the same Apache server.
I first started on the SSL task, but then decided to switch to installing bind and getting that working.
My set up is simple.
In my /etc/named.conf file I added:
zone "" IN {
type master;
file "";
allow-update { none; };
zone "" IN {
type master;
file "";
But now I am struggling with the zone file
I created a file but confused what values to put.
The DNS/apache server has an IP of
Actually this is all in preparation for an interview happening early next week.
So far, I've install, MySQL and Apache on Centos 6.8 and have managed to get a WordPress website up.
Three things I want to do.
1. Get the website to respond to rather than IP.
2. Set up SSL.
3. Set up a 2nd site on the same Apache server.
I first started on the SSL task, but then decided to switch to installing bind and getting that working.
My set up is simple.
In my /etc/named.conf file I added:
zone "" IN {
type master;
file "";
allow-update { none; };
zone "" IN {
type master;
file "";
But now I am struggling with the zone file
I created a file but confused what values to put.
The DNS/apache server has an IP of
Actually this is all in preparation for an interview happening early next week.
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