So there were a few minor bumps with the launch, came out a few hours late, the launch build was actually an older beta build without achievements and minor music issues.. but we were able to update asap and patch the issues right away.
For most of the day Isaac was the #2 highest grossing game on Steam! amazing stuff! thanks to everyone who picked it up and did video play throughs, podcasts and livestreams of the game, its been yet another surreal launch experience .
It might not make sense to most, but launching a game really takes an emotional tole on you regardless of how the game does, so i really want to thank all of you who went out of their ways to live stream the game, sent me awesome emails and fan pics, you really picked me up.... so now to give back!
Well as i mentioned in my previous post, there has been a lot of talk about a Halloween patch next month if the game was received well, this is obviously the case. So on oct.31st be ready for a very dark and jam packed FREE update to isaac, that will add a lot more to the game... but 1st.
Kill mom already!