So I bought my current mobo and chip back in 2013. I knew at the time that I had an option in the future to go for a 4930k as an upgrade, so I could get more time out of my mobo.
My 3820 is doing fine to be honest so no real need to upgrade. Although perhaps when I go and get a 4k screen and another 980ti to drive it I might see some bottleneck..I don't really know.
But I've come across these bad boys
What do people think?
Get the chip test it hard for 7days straight and then be happy?
I wonder if 8pack has his results for each chip? Be good to know the results for each chip as its sold....
I wonder what the returns policy is?
My 3820 is doing fine to be honest so no real need to upgrade. Although perhaps when I go and get a 4k screen and another 980ti to drive it I might see some bottleneck..I don't really know.
But I've come across these bad boys
What do people think?
Get the chip test it hard for 7days straight and then be happy?
I wonder if 8pack has his results for each chip? Be good to know the results for each chip as its sold....
I wonder what the returns policy is?