Bins and flats

How often are they collected? Once a week I'd say 7 bins for 12 flats is plenty. The problem with providing too many bins is people get lazy on what rubbish should actually get recycled.
Most councils don't provide recycling bins for large blocks of flats. As probably had experience of the thicko tenants using them for normal rubbish. Another friend lives in a block of 16 flats and they don't have any recycling. She takes her recycling to her gran's - she lives in a house at the bottom of the estate.
My block has 12 flats with 1 bin and 1 recycle. It's not enough and really could do with 1 extra of each. Of course the 'people' who also live here don't help the matter such as not breaking down boxes and instead leaving them on the floor blocking access.. etc
The habit of not breaking down boxes, squashing cans etc happens everywhere. As a litter womble, we find uncrushed cans, tv boxes with the foam/cardboard bits inside. Plus when we had those storms in the winter, someone down my road puts in uncrushed cans into their recycling bin, which blew over in the storms. The noise of several cans rolling about is very annoying. It takes half a second to squeeze a can which doesn't roll about in the wind.
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