Im sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but i have reciently bought some new memory and my pc fails to boot due to a missing file named AWDFLASH.EXE
am i correct insaying that i need to update my BIOS?
I have never updated it in the 1.5 years i have owned it, and i have never updated a BIOS before period, so i do not know what to do.
My mobo is a ASUS A8N SLI Deluxe.
Can anyone recomend which BIOS to d/l, as i have been to their sire and there are quite a few.
Also can anyone advise me how to go about flashing the bios and instlling the new one?
am i correct insaying that i need to update my BIOS?
I have never updated it in the 1.5 years i have owned it, and i have never updated a BIOS before period, so i do not know what to do.
My mobo is a ASUS A8N SLI Deluxe.
Can anyone recomend which BIOS to d/l, as i have been to their sire and there are quite a few.
Also can anyone advise me how to go about flashing the bios and instlling the new one?