BIOS questions

17 Jun 2005
Im sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but i have reciently bought some new memory and my pc fails to boot due to a missing file named AWDFLASH.EXE

am i correct insaying that i need to update my BIOS?
I have never updated it in the 1.5 years i have owned it, and i have never updated a BIOS before period, so i do not know what to do.

My mobo is a ASUS A8N SLI Deluxe.

Can anyone recomend which BIOS to d/l, as i have been to their sire and there are quite a few.

Also can anyone advise me how to go about flashing the bios and instlling the new one?

There should be a guide on their site, what you need to do is make sure you have a clean floppy (ie full format)to save the bios in your system now before you up grade, then once you saved it look for the bios version when it boots up, then go to the web site and look for the version above yours ie if yours is v16 then get v17 but always read what it says.

another good point would be to join the manifactures forums and disscuss it their.
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