Bioshock 4 / Advent

Saw it yesterday doesn't look like Bioshock tbh and XCOM is more likely. However, after infinite what is Bioshock supposed to look like anyway? lol
Saw it yesterday doesn't look like Bioshock tbh and XCOM is more likely. However, after infinite what is Bioshock supposed to look like anyway? lol

Very true. Quite enjoyed Infinite, but very different form the original.

I love that website though, very trippy.

EDIT: The website does hint into gene therepy, cures for medical illnesses including mental illness etc.. all seem to tie in quite well with the bioshock franchise..

DNA Splicing. /thread :p
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DNA Splicing. /thread :p

Definitely Bioshock.

I like how the site get's slowly hacked if you leave it open with messages like..
The ADVENT is lying to you. They want to subdue
we are still watching. we are still watching. we are still watching. we are still watching. we are still watching. we are still watching. we are still watching. we are still watching. we are still watching.

And pictures of the "happy residents" being overlayed with "Missing 6 days" or similar.
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I really hope it's Bioshock 4 but I don't know what else they can come up with in terms of setting. We had Rapture at the bottom of the sea and Columbia high up in the clouds, it'll be quite hard to top or even match those.
I really hope it's Bioshock 4 but I don't know what else they can come up with in terms of setting. We had Rapture at the bottom of the sea and Columbia high up in the clouds, it'll be quite hard to top or even match those.
Something set in space I'll guess.
As much as I love Bioshock I kinda hope it isn't, unless they genuinely have a great idea for it, but I don't want them to keep making sequels and for it to go downhill.

But hey, maybe its not Bioshock or X-Com, maybe its something new and original rather than yet another sequel, shocking I know but would be nice!
I could have swore they said no more bioshock.....or at least the leads for it said that for themselves...

I'd rather have new system shock :)
I could have swore they said no more bioshock.....or at least the leads for it said that for themselves...

I'd rather have new system shock :)

Irrational was closed down a year or two ago after Bioshock 3. Anything with the Bioshock name on it now won't involve Ken Levine or Irrational. And will have been thrown together in about 18 months.

I'd be surprised if it's another Bioshock. It sure doesn't look like one.
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