Bioshock audio glitches

27 Oct 2005

I thought I'd play this great game over again, now that we've got FXAA and play on a 32'' screen, so I fired it up, and there's one issue that still highly annoys me , the issue was always there for me on various hardware:

When a lot of stuff is going on like gunfire, especially automatic gunfire like a Thompson +security bot firing, the rest of the sounds just ''disappear'' if you know what I mean, as if the game can't handle the amount of sounds going on simultaneously. This has always annoyed me highly and it seems to happen on all sound cards I've had: Onboard stuff, Audigy SE, Audigy 2ZS, Nvidia high deifnition audio (current, over HDMI to a/v receiver). Happens on analog and on digital devices( hdmi, optical, I've had it all), happens in 2.0 and 5.1 mode...

Is there any fix for this, I'd really want the sound fixed, that will make the game sweet :).

I thought I'd also play this in 2.0 mode with headphones, but unfortunately the immersion with audio fails, it sounds better with 5.1 on speakers :(.
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Great but is there a way to have more audio channels so it's good when many things go on ?

regarding your issues guys, iirc it was enabling/disabling stereo mixing in the volume options of vista/7... I've had the issue a ages back when I still used on board sound, but never had problems with my soundblaster or my current nvidia audio over hdmi...
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