Bird Flu! I cant take any more!

4 Aug 2003
North Down
Is it just me or is this bird flu thing a total waste of time. So a few birds die, big deal. One swan has it in the whole of the UK and everyone is going bananas!

Rant over.
Well there is no real news at the moment so they've got to fill there programmes up with something, to be honest the media won't to turn everything into a "major event/disaster" :rolleyes:

I found my missus looking at a website that sells face masks which are meant for use if you are at risk of flu. Silly cow.

As I have said on numerous occassions, unless you have a beak and feathers you have nothing to worry about. Anyway, I have some serious doubts about the sudden appearance of this case, I will go as far as saying it is nothing more than a conspiracy to take the media heat of the Blair/Brown affair, NHS meltdown and failing schools......
Give it time, it'll happen. It'll be more severe than the cynics think, but less severe than the sensationalist media is making out.
my ex's dad went out and bought dust masks when the Mail announced Bird Flu. i literally could not believe what was going on.
I liked the conspiracy theory. Breaking news about bird flu in the UK to take the focus off the failing incompetent government. I mean come on, B-Liar and Brown Nose need a break…

In all honesty, it was inevitable the virus would end up on the shores of the UK soon enough. After all, birds migrate and there has been some very cold weather in some parts of Eastern Europe so any number of birds that where infected could have come the UK for warmer climates. One of them could be in your back yard right now, and your cat could be eyeing the bird up for supper.

It’s not yet sure if the swan was native or had migrated anyhow. This’ll not be the last case, a few more will pop up now its here. I’m not worried as you need to be working very close to birds. Or this is what I read, and we all know to trust what the tabloids and news sites tell you…

I’m sure the NHS, and their new practices, and billions of investment will come to your aid, fear not – we are governed by Labour, who control the most effective fighting force against viral infections known to man. It is –

Da da dah..!!!!

THE NHS. The most efficient and effective health service in the world. Fear not all you mortals. We are safe.
goreblast said:
Is it just me or is this bird flu thing a total waste of time. So a few birds die, big deal. One swan has it in the whole of the UK and everyone is going bananas!

Rant over.

Well apparently theres a theory about how humans can get it. Cats eat the birds... the virus then infects the cats.. the cats are mamals.. voila
Bird Flu... great that means the price of chicken will go down as all the idiot's that believe any gossip hype will stop buying it.

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