Birmingham -What a mess

5 Aug 2013
Opps - Sorry mod's I see it's already in the other thread I never look in. I am sure you will move it.
I am so glad we moved out.
I spent my first 28 yrs there and 51 out here in North Shropshire.
It wasn't Birmingham itself that made us move but the mortgage rate hitting 12% plus which skint us out - so as soon as it dropped a bit we sold up and bought cheaper up here. All in all it was a very wise move. -Oh and I did get a job transfer. I am not talking selling for a million but selling for £16K and buying for £15K

What is it with labour that they have to spend more than they bring in. Those street names are so pathetic. Destiny road - now I ask you.
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Why does everyone get a bonus - What is it actually for -surely they take the jobs on the pay they are offered - The only bonus I had was a pen with company name on then went to USA on BA and they sold the same pen with their name on for £2.

If you messed up at work you were either demoted or moved sideways - I knew at lot of useless workers who were moved sideways and it always ended up being a cusshy job.

If a man on the street can see what the council is wasting so much money on why don't the council workers see the same thing or is it bonus related.
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