Bit if help with a random noise my YBR125 has started making

3 Mar 2004
Hi all :)

My YBR125 has started making a noise, which i can only describe as the sound you would get when you put a playing card in a mountain bike's spokes :/ and riding with it in

It only appears at around 5-6k revs anything less and there is nothing, and i rarely ever get above 6k revs anyway as Sheffield is nothing but hills :p

I can't even pin point where the sound is coming from, it sounds as though its from the front of the bike, but if i put the bike on its stand and build up revs in neutral, there is nothing, it only does it if i'm in gear.

Any ideas? Going to take it in somewhere for someone to have a look at...just don't want to be fobbed off as they could say anything and i wouldn't really know

Cheers for any help in advance :)
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