Bit of a query regarding a bump.

20 Feb 2004
Blyth, Northumberland
When it comes to rear impacts (Car A bumps Car B in the back) is it enough to say that Car B has damage to the rear bumper therefore it must have been caused by Car A or is there an element of checking to prove that the damage was actually caused by Car A and not just old damage that was noticed after the bump?

Does anyone have any experience as the driver of Car A or B?
I was hit by another car.

When I took my car to be looked at I was going to be cheeky and ask if they could look at the door dent and slight crease that were already on the pannel. Before I got a chance to even mention it the guy said "and at the same time we can sort out those other imperfections for you" so basically if its done under insurance they aren't really going to care too much as long as the old damage isn't too excessive.
its down to what the insurance assesor thinks. my lad just rear ended an old polo, and the assesor very quickly noticed earlier damage behind the bumper and is looking more closely at the claim. (on the polo.)
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