BIT OF AN EXPERIMENT - Need some help, long range networking

7 Aug 2004
Hi all, I use a Netgear DG834N 270mb wireless router. My GF and friends have moved into a house 3 doors up from me and over a small road, straight line site is no more than say 40/50m, but obviously theres 3 terrace houses in the way.

It wouldnt b a prob to put the router in the park yard in a shed for a nearly unobstructed line to the house (I assume it would be ok as long as it stays dry?)

What we want to do is obviously get my gf+house attached to my network to use my internet, of which then we could all share the costs, my laptop is the only one with draft N connecting abilitys and just about reaches id imagine, they mostly have G standard wireless cards in there laptops.

How would I GREATLY increase the routers range ? Also is there anything I can do to help there house pick up my wireless, such as buying some sort of wireless device thats better than a normal network card ? Possibly linking 2 'routers' together ? then that could access mine wirelessly and then serve that out to there PC's, if that makes some sort of bodged up sense :D

Any ideas would be awesome :)
7 Aug 2004
awesome cheers dude, unfort though non of the PC's have those style wireless plugs, there all laptops and only have USB ports, also my Netgear router doesnt have a port for an external antenna, maybe any equipment that would interface with usb etc and my router that would work with it ? so I could make a pringles tube antenna ? lol
7 Aug 2004
tolien said:
Two or three routers that did WDS, one in the shed and one in each house (or only in one house), would mean that the clients would only be connecting to a router in the same house as them.

Hi , WDS ? Whats that ? Do the Netgear Rangemax routers (DG834N) support this ? Many thanks
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