Bit of help configuring for F@H on new client

19 Jul 2005
S. Yorkshire
Hi all, I'm back folding again and am struggling with the changes now that FAHcontrol is running the show!

I'm running an I7 920 @3.6Ghz and a GTX660. Leaving the client with default settings I'm getting about 14k ppd for the GPU and 17k ppd for the GPU.

I've just read about the advanced flag for the GPU which I've just added but have not picked up a new WU since doing that so can't tell if it makes a difference.

Are there any other flags I should be adding to increase my ppd?

Just in the process of downgrading my GPU drivers from 331.82 to 326.8 which I've read will help things along.

Looks like the advanced flag made a difference - 90k ppd on the cpu now!

No change on the GPU yet...

[edit] CPU back down to 16k ppd, the increase was very short lived. Not sure if this is my config issue, or just the hardware max has already been reached.
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I thought the advanced flag was for GPU only?

On mine I drop to like 14k PPD on Core 16 WU's, with Core 17's I get ~114k PPD, mostly from the GPU.
In 'Advanced Control' (changes to whatever slot you highlight) ;)


And don't forget your passkey to earn all those lovely QRB's
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Is the 660 overclocked to get 90K or was that combined with the CPU? My 670s at around 1200MHz can get 80K but I would have thought they would have been quite a bit higher than a 660, not lower.

When folding core17 with an Nvidia, you should set the CPU to use the number of cores minus one per GPU. So with one GPU, you would be best setting the CPU to use 7 or even 6 cores. This is because the GPU client uses a full virtual core and if the CPU is fighting to run 8 threads on seven available cores, it is slower than running seven threads.
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