Bit of tech help needed

31 May 2006
West London
Hi people.

Got a bit off an issue with my workstation, as it will only receive WU when service is restarted. - I've used's it's ID to host the 4 threads on our server and the six at home. (only 2-3 running on each at a time) and I think this is where the problem lies

Server folds WU in a shaired folder, when complete I closed Fah console on the server, open on my workstation (send/receive) and close, ready to be run on the server when it's next WU is complete (two on, two off).
At home I move the complete WU folders to and from work and send/receive as per server install (I know its a hassle but untill broadband is setup, this at lease cuts my phone bills) I usually do this every 2-3 days (two on, four off) and move the folders via my ipod.

To acheive this and run the normal two threads on my work station I go above 8 instances (4+6+2) so currently server uses 1,3,4 & 8, home 3,4,5,6,7,8 and work station has 3,4.

Doh! - moveing workstation to 1 and 2 and server too 3,4,5 & 8 might solve problem - if anyone else has any ideas please speak freely below ;)
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