Bit worried about these power readings

21 May 2006
Recently fitted a new Tagan 430W PSU to this spec:

AMD 64 3200
2x Optical
2x HDD
6800 GT AGP

Nothing that should worry it right?

Well check these odd power readings from the rails? Is the PSU shot?


That doesn't look good, but I wouldn't trust the Asus Probe app that much. What does it say in the bios.
I think it more likely that PC Probe is taking wrong readings rather than anything else here. At those voltages your PC probably wouldn't even start up or possibly would blow up if it did.

If you have access to a multimeter check with that otherwise maybe see if Motherboard Monitor can tell you the voltages although that is still dependent on the sensors so that might not be any more accurate. If the Tagan has adjustable pots then you might want to adjust them but I'd check with a multimeter first.
Just thought I would reply, PC is working great. The BIOS readings are the same.

When I have more time I will get a multimeter across the outputs, but am assuming that all is going to be OK.
This is great thread - all of you worrying about 12v rail killing it - 4v to vcore might be a tad worse and so its obviously faulty readings if pc still working.
ted34 said:
This is great thread - all of you worrying about 12v rail killing it - 4v to vcore might be a tad worse and so its obviously faulty readings if pc still working.

Eh? Everyone said it was wrong...
If I were you I'd check with a DMM. My bet is they're wrong, even believable voltage readings in windows are out more often than not.
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