Hi everyone,
I want to show you my latest mod.
This project is based on a BitFenix Pandora.
I really like the shape of that case. Anyway... I will do a lot of modding. :rock:
- the oriantation of the case will be changed
- the sidepanels will get a veneer
- make a new top and botten for the case
- the front will get a second revision out of aluminium
The project starts by taking closer look over the case.
Not a perfect finish on the sidepanels. Some scratches are visible.
The Top Panel is really cool. You can remove it toolless.
I wanted to start with the most difficult part: the front.
I hate to bend sheets without the right tools.
Cutted a sheet of aluminium to the right size:
The first bending try was a big fail, it was not possible to do an even bend.
So I went to the hardware store an bought some materials for a new bending "tool".
Cutted a waste-pipe into two halfs...
... and bolt it on some pieces of wood.
This attempt was also foredoomed, the diameter was wrong.
But with the thrid attempt it works great.
So I continued with the metal sheet for the front:
After drilling I take a Dremel to make some more cuts.
In the meantime the veneer arrived, I thin it looks great.
For continuing with the front I had to to the frontpanel.
So I designed some symbols, behind them there will be some capazitive switches.
It doenst work perfect but I think I can fix it.
Continued with the front.
test fit of the frontpanel:
After all of this work was done, I started with the critical work. I the bend went wrong all the drilling, dremeling and filing was for nothing.
But it works.
First test fit on the case
in combination with the veneer:
Thats it for now, what do you think?
I want to show you my latest mod.
This project is based on a BitFenix Pandora.
I really like the shape of that case. Anyway... I will do a lot of modding. :rock:
- the oriantation of the case will be changed
- the sidepanels will get a veneer
- make a new top and botten for the case
- the front will get a second revision out of aluminium
The project starts by taking closer look over the case.

Not a perfect finish on the sidepanels. Some scratches are visible.

The Top Panel is really cool. You can remove it toolless.

I wanted to start with the most difficult part: the front.
I hate to bend sheets without the right tools.
Cutted a sheet of aluminium to the right size:

The first bending try was a big fail, it was not possible to do an even bend.

So I went to the hardware store an bought some materials for a new bending "tool".

Cutted a waste-pipe into two halfs...

... and bolt it on some pieces of wood.

This attempt was also foredoomed, the diameter was wrong.
But with the thrid attempt it works great.

So I continued with the metal sheet for the front:

After drilling I take a Dremel to make some more cuts.

In the meantime the veneer arrived, I thin it looks great.

For continuing with the front I had to to the frontpanel.
So I designed some symbols, behind them there will be some capazitive switches.

It doenst work perfect but I think I can fix it.

Continued with the front.

test fit of the frontpanel:

After all of this work was done, I started with the critical work. I the bend went wrong all the drilling, dremeling and filing was for nothing.

But it works.

First test fit on the case

in combination with the veneer:

Thats it for now, what do you think?