Bizarre Problem

27 Jun 2006
Hello folks, this is a weird one.

Been sitting here tonight listening to music with headphones on (plugged into Logitech Z2300s which are plugged into a Mac Pro).

Turned the music off a while ago but left the headphones on my head. I started to hear sounds at a very low volume - something that sounded like American tele-advertising. Turned the system volume up completely and got the same quietness level. Upped the physical volume knob (:D) in an attempt to hear it clearer but the volume of the 'advertising' didn't go up any.

Thought that was very odd - so started the inevitable hunt through tabs for an annoying Flash advert - but nothing there whatsoever. Check my open programs (in OS X) and nothing there either. Thinking I was beginning to hear voices in my head (a more than likely solution), I took the headphones off and sure enough I stopped hearing it.

At this stage I'm baffled. Leave it for a bit and about an hour later I get it again (didn't change anything) but this time it sounds like German. So I wait a bit and next thing I hear is a rather louder person saying what sounded like 'Guten Tag' in a loop. It happened about 8 times then all noises went away.

That's when I decided to start this thread. Half way through this I'm now hearing Japanese talking...I turned every program off, closed the browser (throught this might be the problem but relucantly hadn't tried it earlier) and still on going. Shut off the tv and the Sky+ box and still it continued.

Has anyone had anything like this? I'm not sure how anyone can take a post like this seriously but it's genuine. I can hear it with the headphones on but when I try to hear it via the speakers it's just the white noise from being so close.

I haven't got any microphones or even any communication apps like Skype on the computer. Remote Sharing of any kind is all disabled and the firewall is enabled.

Any idea what it might be? Feedback of some sort? Has me baffled and rather worried. Possibly about my mental health.
This is actually a pretty common issue, I've got no trouble believing everything you say is true.

My ex girlfriend's TV was always picking up radio accidentally, same for many speakers and headsets I've used.

As far as I know, the cable can act as an aerial which will affect the signal being fed to the speaker. That would also explain why you can't hear it on your speakers, as the chances are the cable is of a higher quality/a different type.
Cheers for the response, Zefan. :)

Seems you are spot on - have listened in a bit more and it seems to be radio stations. Although most of them are far from local which is why I didn't jump to that conclusion originally. Still quite odd!
The issue here is that electronic devices must by law accept interference from other devices (please someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but that's what I always remember the labels saying on all electronic devices).

Assuming it's either long wave transmissions bouncing off the atmosphere your getting, or someone local is tuned into say a satellite station and your picking up the waves from there TV or radio or other device.

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