Bizzare BF2 problem

14 Jan 2004
Decided to play BF2 today for the first time in several months, and following patching I am greeted by a major problem.

In online mode the game will not go above 21fps. Whatever resolution, graphics options etc I use make absolutley no difference - the game will not go above 21fps. However, In single player mode it is 100fps, even with max options in 1600x1200. It's not that my computer is not powerful enough, as I have played many times in 1600x1200 all on max at 100fps before, its just since the patch it wont go above 21fps!

Things ive tried
- Lowering all detail levels to off, minimum resolution - still 21fps
- Disabling all X-fi Crap
- Updating cats to latest
- Disabling all firewalls
- Reinstalling BF2

My spec: Opteron 146 @3ghz, ATI x1800 XTPE, 2gb ram, Xfi Pro, Raptor 74gb
Im not limited to 21fps but Im also having the same problem. Runs great in single player, frames dropping as low as 10 when playing online.

Im running an Athlon 64 3500+ with 2GB Ram and a 6800GT so theres no excuse why it should run fine, it has before.
my system doesnt like sharqi peninsula on multiplayer.

when construction site and observation post get busy, my screen just slows to a crawl

but on SP its fine.
I too have been experiencing problems since the latest series of patches - 1.2 to 1.22

Theres seems to be a lot of people having these kind of problems and I along with many others have filed Error logs to EA with complaints but no joy so far.

Good news is that there will be a 1.3 patch due out in May that should fix a lot of the problems
I run a BF2 clan and none of my players can use a wireless connection when playing BF2 for some reason. Its fine for CS:S but its gets all choppy on BF2.

Are you wired or wireless?
cypriobrit said:
I run a BF2 clan and none of my players can use a wireless connection when playing BF2 for some reason. Its fine for CS:S but its gets all choppy on BF2.

Are you wired or wireless?

Interesting - my wireless connection was fine for BF2 pre 1.2 onwards - constant ping of around 30.

Now I just get random increases in ping (up to 200) - but I wonder if its not my service provider.
wired access via router here as well

but i think its more of a graphics issue than connection. as my ping stays the same, its my FPS that drops.
MrLOL said:
wired access via router here as well

but i think its more of a graphics issue than connection. as my ping stays the same, its my FPS that drops.

What cpu are you using? Sharqui is one of the maps that is heavily cpu bound, an fx 57 will get about 50 fps in the construction yard on that map regardless of the graphics setup.
kdd said:
What cpu are you using? Sharqui is one of the maps that is heavily cpu bound, an fx 57 will get about 50 fps in the construction yard on that map regardless of the graphics setup.

A64 3200

think switching to something like the x2 4200 would help ?

or would i be better off with a single core 4000+
MrLOL said:
A64 3200

think switching to something like the x2 4200 would help ?

or would i be better off with a single core 4000+

Well dual core has no effect in bf2, but bf2 basically needs as much clockspeed as you can throw at it. Get the best clocking chip you can basically, the 4000+ would be good mind.
MrLOL said:
A64 3200

think switching to something like the x2 4200 would help ?

or would i be better off with a single core 4000+

I wont be a clock problem in imho. I know loads of people who play perfectly well with that CPU. Maybe contact your ISP and ask about packet loss.
Well im running an Athlon 64 3500, 2GB Ram & 6800GT, also the latest chipset and nvidia drivers.

Still very laggy when playing online, any suggestions??

I may just format tonight and give my pc a good clean inside from dust & crap thats built up.
cypriobrit said:
I wont be a clock problem in imho. I know loads of people who play perfectly well with that CPU. Maybe contact your ISP and ask about packet loss.

PL isnt the issue here

im getting FPS drop. you can tell the difference between your screen drawing things slowly, and your net connection playing up

my issue is that im not getting the FPS i should. And whats more, in places its dropping to unplayable levels.

Example. Here is the anandtech benchmark of my card, the X1900 XT


this shows the HIS card (mine) at 70fps. I never see that FPS, and at times on sharqi it gets unplayable.

is this because its CPU limited because of my 3200+ winchester ? cos its certainly not down to ram, ive got 2gb of dual channel DDR400, or HD access, as it runs off a 74gb Raptor.

The actual benchmark system was with 1gb RAM and a seagate 7200.7 HD. But with an FX57.

cant think what else is knackering my FPS, as the graphics card isnt overheating either.
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