Black and White 2 Demo

16 Mar 2006
Black&White demo available. Just downloaded the other day, visually it looks a treat and the gameplay reminded why i bought the original. The demo is actually quite large couple of hours gameplay in it at least. I got a good download speeds at fileshack (Chicago mirror).
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Thanks for reminding me about this game. Gonna give it a whirl tomorrow.

Welcome to the board btw mate :)
My brother bought this game when it first came out, it runs like dog poo on his 9800 SE P4 2.6ghz system, so i had to do the right thing and let him play it on my system. It still plays absolutely awfull at max settings, but i've just been playing it myself recently. It's quite a fun game i must say :)
anyone know where i can get *** demo from?

i've downloaded it like 3 times from gamershell and its always corrupt :(

oh, and is just slow....looking for quick servers here...15min download like off gamershell tbh!
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