Black cases look nicer

29 Jan 2023
So wait, hear me out. I realized I had enough spare parts lying around the closet to make a whole PC out of if I had a case, so I figured I'd grab one. I've been using a 011D-mini white for a couple years now, and TBH, while the case is great, it never blew me away. Well this week I ordered a black Vision, and while I did a slopjob and really fouled the thing up, the RGB looks sooo much nicer in it. I can't take my eyes off the RGB. It just looks so vibrant in there. You need the juxtaposition. This terrible picture does it no justice

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My case is a plain black box - no glass, no RGB, it's great
Man, IDK. I'd rather the color be there for some reason. Maybe it's as shallow as looking at fireworks. I mean the colors are very attractive. The purple swirl in the aqua is legitimately the prettiest coloring I've ever seen. Complaints about sleep and stuff are similarly confusing to me, it takes but 1 second to click sleep, if I found them distracting, which I don't.

IDK, the colors feeding into the GPU via the gaudy pcie RGB cover reminds me of the warp cores in star trek or something. I like to imagine the color shades are literally reams of massive data packets being stuffed into the computer, and the fans are using some kind of hydro-helium-inert-freeze-gas to cool the 14 kiloquads per second of information being processed.
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