Black Eyed Peas - Pump It - Intro, what is it?

It's 'Little Green Bag' by the George Baker Select, noobs.

Lookin' back on the track for a little green bag, got to find just the kind or I'm losin' my mind.

I don't think it's awful at all, their music is pretty accesible and quite catchy plus Fergie's body is like a shrine to sexiness.

However their pratish exterior lets them down somewhat. :(
hogfather said:
the BEP song is awful! their new stuff is just utter pap.
Their old stuff wasnt much better.
WITL was passable though.

The video for 'pump it' looked good when i saw Wil'i'am carrying a footy, i was thinking he's be doing some footy stuff, then i saw it was all done with computers. :(
They've destroyed a classic imo.
penski said:
It's 'Little Green Bag' by the George Baker Select, noobs.

Lookin' back on the track for a little green bag, got to find just the kind or I'm losin' my mind.


outta sight in the night, outta sight in the dayyyyy :cool:

quality classic
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