Black is in the eye of the beholder...

3 Aug 2004
Bendigo, Australia.
I have a wierd issue with the colour on a site I have just finished. I see the colours and text fine but a couple of people have mentioned that they see barely legible light text on a black background.

I see a very vibrant green on forest green and have no problem reading the text. Can you guys have a peek and tell me how you see it and what the issue is?

The colours are light green #89B522 on dark green #31424A if it helps.
Dried Graze said:
I have a wierd issue with the colour on a site I have just finished. I see the colours and text fine but a couple of people have mentioned that they see barely legible light text on a black background.

I see a very vibrant green on forest green and have no problem reading the text. Can you guys have a peek and tell me how you see it and what the issue is?

The colours are light green #89B522 on dark green #31424A if it helps.
a link might be useful.
Not sure which bit you mean, I'm assuming the forum listings in the middle of the page? If so, I see black background and a dark grey text over it..?

Ahh! I assumed they meant the dark green on the left was looking more like black....this is very helpful thanks. I might be able to locate that issue then.
Bearing in mind it's an IE thing and how it interprets certain code, would anyone know precisly where the issue lies? Is it the colour code or a specific tag or something else? I hunted through the page but couldn't find a reference to #000000.
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